I would deffinately go with AMD with a new build, I remember when I first started building machines I had replaced my Cyrix processor with an AMD-K6 III (Anybody over 20 years old should remember those). After I moved my parents sold that machine on me (long story) In any case since I live on my own I squeeze whatever I can out of what I have. I have my P4 3.2E at 3.5, the FSB is just about at 900, everything running cool and stable on air, why spend the money to buy AMD now? lol. Besides, I keep up with the tech and considering a bunch of new stuff is coming out 1st and 2nd quarter next year, I think I can wait. Patience and good research always pays off in the long run. Case in point I nabbed a ATI X800XT AGP for 229 bucks. Patience young grass hopper.... to the guy above me, how did you manage to squeeze that extra Ghz? whats your system bus running at now?