What is the best chipset for Slot 1 PIII's


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
I really liked the Asus P3V4X, which uses a Via chipset.

But I'd be real curious to check out the Abit SH6, which I believe is the only Slot 1 board with the i815 chipset. The i815 chipset is generally better than Via's, imho.


Jan 6, 2001
slot 1 is a dying form.
you can choose between an Asus P3V4X Via or an ABIT SH-6 815e(Intel)!:)


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2000
It depends on the bus speed of the CPU also. I mean, if it's a 100Mhz, a BX would be fine too, the only problem would be if you are overclocking, then the AGP bus might be too high, and it might not run at >100Mhz very well. But yeah, you shouldn't be buying anymore slot 1 processors.


Junior Member
Mar 16, 2001
Well what has happened is I was using a P3V4X and an accidental arc fried three PCI slots. Amazingly the thing still works its just buggy now. So I have a P3 550e that runs really well at 733. I'm using the system as a Digital Audio Workstation (for recording music) so stablity is at a premium. The Audio card (an Echo Layla) works really well under the BX chipset (I'm using an old BH6 now). Though the AGP on the BX is a concern (nothing like your system crashing in the middle of a perfect take ). I've had better luck with ASUS than ABIT so I was a little learly of the SH6. Maybe I just start from scratch... Want to buy a P3 5003 ;)

Really, I'm not sure what the best route is at this point. HELP!!!!

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
I personally prefer the BX chipset. The BX133 platform is very fast, & stable as hell. Only disadvantages are no AGP 4X, & 1/2 AGP divider, & no DMA66/100 controllers. The last one of course can be easily rectified with a $20 Promise controller.

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2001
The BX platform is the most stable and fastest platform for the P3. However as mentioned above it doesn't support 4X AGP and a 1/2 AGP divider. The Abit BE6-2 is the top notch board for slot 1. Solution: Stick that 550E on there and go for the 133 fsb, there is a 1/4 setting for pci bus speed, pop a V3 in there it will run perfect at the 33% faster AGP bus. If you need more video power than pop a V5 in there, it doesn't use 4X at all and use the overclocking utility to lower the card speed to about 180MHz or so, you'll have to use your math to adjust. I just bought a V5 for $120, I have a Geforce2 GTS 32MB DDR and I like the V5 more! Everbody is saying slot 1 is dead, but that's not true, it is finally getting affordable. Take a BX board shove a 700E or 750E in there, overclock to 1GHz and use the V5, and you have a formidable gaming machine.