What is Sovereign Bank doing?


Aug 9, 2000
For some odd reason, Soveriegn bank keeps denying all online payments, they won't let any fund go to the account electronically and they claim it is not their fault.....

1. Email recieved stating that loan payment cannot go through because bank keeps denying payment.

2. Recieved Comast bill which has Reversed EFT, which means Comcast claims bank refused payment.

3. PayPal money whch was refunded back to account, on hold because bank will not accept payment

4. Recieved phone call from online retailer who is trying to refund my return. They claim that the bank keeps denying the refund.

I go back again, and still, they claim it is not their fault.....:confused:

I get this response:

"It is you resposibility to call them and make sure the payment went through"

As for the refund:

"It is your responsibility for you to make sure your refund goes back to your account"

Well, isn't it their responsiblity to tell me why they keep rejecting all electronic transfers involving the account?