I recently heard that the Fed was chartered for 100 years, which would be the same time the Mayan's predicted the end of the world. That could mean several things, all of which are bad. What do you think the dollar would be replaced with? The Amero (i.e., North American Union currency)? The Bancor (i.e., world currency)? A coming of the Anti-Christ? Something else?
With all of the sanctions Obama just recently put on NK/China, I'm thinking even more now that the US ExtraConstitutional Republic is about to come to an end.
You may post this topic when you have something more than what you "recently heard" and vague, unsupported, ominous references to non-existent currencies and "ExtraConstitutional Republics" and fear mongering about some ooga booga antichrist.
Please try to include credible references to real, verifiable facts. Without them, there is nothing to discuss.
Senior AnandTech Moderator/Administrator
With all of the sanctions Obama just recently put on NK/China, I'm thinking even more now that the US ExtraConstitutional Republic is about to come to an end.
You may post this topic when you have something more than what you "recently heard" and vague, unsupported, ominous references to non-existent currencies and "ExtraConstitutional Republics" and fear mongering about some ooga booga antichrist.
Please try to include credible references to real, verifiable facts. Without them, there is nothing to discuss.
Senior AnandTech Moderator/Administrator
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