V Viper0329 Platinum Member Oct 12, 2000 2,769 1 0 Sep 8, 2001 #3 r u planning something i should know about?
A Ameesh Lifer Apr 3, 2001 23,686 0 0 Sep 8, 2001 #4 youd laugh then stock market would crash, there would be mass suicides and chaos across the US.
N8Magic Lifer Dec 12, 2000 11,624 1 81 Sep 8, 2001 #6 << youd laugh then stock market would crash, there would be mass suicides and chaos across the US. >> Then I would have to laugh some more. It would make it easier for us Canadians to invade...erm...uhh, did I just day that?
<< youd laugh then stock market would crash, there would be mass suicides and chaos across the US. >> Then I would have to laugh some more. It would make it easier for us Canadians to invade...erm...uhh, did I just day that?
D Diffusion Senior member Oct 19, 2000 467 0 0 Sep 8, 2001 #8 I would much prefer that some magical force rebuild DEC by tommorow morning, but the collapse of MS might also be ok.
I would much prefer that some magical force rebuild DEC by tommorow morning, but the collapse of MS might also be ok.
Mo0o Lifer Jul 31, 2001 24,227 3 76 Sep 8, 2001 #9 we would be pretty screwed. not just teh us market. the world economy will begin to collapse too
D Danman Lifer Nov 9, 1999 13,134 0 0 Sep 8, 2001 #10 Those bastards would bring ever other computer company too if they went down............... :disgust:
Those bastards would bring ever other computer company too if they went down............... :disgust:
O Odoacer Senior member Jun 30, 2001 809 0 0 Sep 8, 2001 #11 if they disappear before XP comes out i'm gonna be seriously pissed.
I Infos Diamond Member Jul 20, 2001 4,001 1 0 Sep 8, 2001 #12 If MS was destoried I would have to get out my dictionary to find out what the hell happened
Mo0o Lifer Jul 31, 2001 24,227 3 76 Sep 8, 2001 #13 do what you always do when MS Fscks up... ALT CTRL Delete
V veryape Platinum Member Jun 13, 2000 2,433 0 0 Sep 8, 2001 #14 Well,if there were magical forces going around destroying multi-billion dollar companies i'd say we would have more to worry about than Microsoft. Those magical forces are not to be reckoned with you know.
Well,if there were magical forces going around destroying multi-billion dollar companies i'd say we would have more to worry about than Microsoft. Those magical forces are not to be reckoned with you know.
H Harvey Administrator<br>Elite Member Oct 9, 1999 35,057 67 91 Sep 8, 2001 #15 << What if Microsoft were destoried by some magical force in a morning? >> As an atheist, it would be enough to convince me I had just had a religious experience. The government should not break up M$. They should blow them up!
<< What if Microsoft were destoried by some magical force in a morning? >> As an atheist, it would be enough to convince me I had just had a religious experience. The government should not break up M$. They should blow them up!
A AMDPwred Diamond Member Mar 22, 2001 3,593 0 0 Sep 8, 2001 #16 << stock market would crash, there would be mass suicides and chaos across the US. >> I'd have to agree.
<< stock market would crash, there would be mass suicides and chaos across the US. >> I'd have to agree.
O oLLie Diamond Member Jan 15, 2001 5,203 1 0 Sep 8, 2001 #18 << What if Microsoft were destoried by some magical force in a morning? >> I certainly hope this never happens, but if it does, I hope Microsoft starts working on some new stories pronto! Ollie
<< What if Microsoft were destoried by some magical force in a morning? >> I certainly hope this never happens, but if it does, I hope Microsoft starts working on some new stories pronto! Ollie
B BrintonAA Senior member Jul 6, 2001 651 0 0 Sep 8, 2001 #19 What about all those poor XP users who have to talk to Microsoft if they ever want to upgrade their pc, they would not be so happy, lol
What about all those poor XP users who have to talk to Microsoft if they ever want to upgrade their pc, they would not be so happy, lol
Y yakko Lifer Apr 18, 2000 25,455 2 0 Sep 8, 2001 #20 Someone else would take over the top spot and you would bitch about them.