irwincur -
What's this - are you syzygy's designated clone ? or another 'secret' account he maintains ?
You are just parroting whatever he says and siding with indefensable situations.
'I'm on the wrong side of history ?' what kind of speel is that ? a Limbaugh Letter ?
Bush is the on the wrong side of history, both factual AND revisionist, as well as
being on the wrong side of 'Intelligence' both Military facts and personal reasoning.
I will conceed that he is on the 'Right' side of Stupidity - as in 'Compassionate Conservative'
with which he has proven over and over again and again that he fails to comprehend.
You talk about 2 that's TWO, yes QUANTITY 2 - obsolete artillary shells that had contents
that were of banned substance, residual Mustard Gas and depleted Sarin chemicals.
Do you even want to venture a guess as to how much banned WMD the U.S. has stockpiled ?
If it's banned why do we still retain the huge arsenal of materials that we can't use ?
Is it something that the Revisionist Historians are making up, or stuff we refuse to dispose of ?
But Saddam was supposed to give them up - yep, and so was Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan,
Clinton, and Bush II, the lightweight. Do you really think that any of our Presidents know
how much of what is where ? The Military would never volunteer that information to the
President, and what he dosen't know dosen't implicate him, or them in cover-ups.
(a la Reagan & Iran Contra)
Have you been paying any attention to what Kissinger hass been raying about Nixon
in the last few days ? He looks like a Madman (But he was our Madman !)
shows to me that both Nixon and Reagan were loose cannons in the Whitehouse.
And Bush isn't half the man that either of them was, but may be more of a Madman.