What I witnessed on my way to work 9/11/2001


Platinum Member
May 30, 2000
I was on my way to work, and noticed everyone watching the fire in the WTC tower. I was running late, so I jumped on the ferry to get to the WFC (World Financial Center).

I called home to see what had happened, and 3 minutes prior, a plane had crashed into the tower. I thought it may be a small plane as those and helicopters are
always flying around, as the ferry crossed the river, I watched the second jet (which started at a height above the Towers, fly into view, I had thought maybe it was going to dump water on the fire as it is well out of reach of coventional fire department hoses. I watched in horror as the plane dived, and turned and thought is that plane going to fly in between the towers? The smoke was blowing opposite of the plane, so I ruled out that that had to do with the planes maneuvers. it had no impedence at all. The horror and disbelief as the plane drove right into the second tower. The guy next to me said "I can't believe this, did I just see another fuscking plane crash into it? I turned to my right, and said "that had to be deliberate". It was at that moment, that I relaized we were under attack. That this was done purposely, and I could not still believe what I had just witnessed. I immediately tried to call my co-workers to tell them to get out, but after the second plane had hit, cell phone service was not working. The systems were overloaded, and when I could get a call through, it would just ring at their extensions. At about 11:00 pm EST last night, I had finally heard from my group, and all 5 besides myself were secure and ok. I spoke about what I had seen first hand, and listened to their stories if the events of the day. The scramble that one on my co-workers had as they made their way towards West street, and the made dash they made as the tower came down behind them. The running, pushing, and chaotic scene it had made. My colleague twisted his knee, but kept on going, how fast can one run and how sure footed is he in deep dust and debris in dress shoes? How about the people who didn't get out, the emergency workers caught at ground zero, the subway system located under the hub of 1 WTC, the mall located there, there are always ALOT of people in those areas, and did they get out in time before the second tower crumbled? I have yet to hear from a couple of colleagues that worked for other companies, but worked in the direct area and the WTC. I can only tell you how I fell in to a state of shock, and noticed everyone around me in the same state. To see this first hand, that plane moved precision wise, and drove into the tower, it was a huge plane. I had thought the plane would clip the WFC dome tops with its wing as it turned. Jets never fly around that area, and when they do, they are extremely high up. As I amde my way out of the city, my pager was working, I was getting pages from my parents, friend, and relatives wanting to know if I was okay. Of course, my cell phones (both of them) were not getting anywhere, and I had no way to get in touch with them to let them know I was okay, and on my way out of the city. I used my blackberry to contact a few, but the emails weren't received until some 8 hours later. Luckily, I was able to contact mmy family about 90 minutes later, and that must have been the hardest 90 minutes for my family. I spent the day contacting everyone I had gotten messages from (about 40 in total), I guess, I didn't know how many people thought of me up until that point. How many people I am not always in contact because of my career, and the fact that I haven't always had time or been able to make time to share everything in this life with them. After today, I will not make that same mistake. I have seen it replayed over and over on tv, but it pales in comparison to seeing it happen right in front of you. The shock and the grief, and the tragic loss hits hard and fast. My prayers are with everyone who is touched by this, and I pray that this tragic event, is the last one this world will ever see.

I have seen something, I will never forget, but will always change my life, my priorities, and my values.

God Bless everyone, and may the this never, ever, happen again.

PS : If anyone hears from Datsfresh, let him know I am waiting to hear from him !


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
That's a powerful account... glad you made it out okay.

I'm waiting to hear from my brother in law... he also was there and was able to escape.

Now all I want is for my sister and her family to just come back home...


Senior member
Mar 11, 2001
Glad to see you are safe. What a horrifying story.

May god have mercy on those depraved souls who did this.


Golden Member
May 9, 2001
A lot of people were for some reason running thankfully late yesterday... a couple of friends saw it from around canal st.