What equipment-less exercises do you like?

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Jun 27, 2004
You know, stuff that you can do pretty much anywhere. Obviously there are push ups, sit ups, burpees, and a small chance of pull ups if you can find something sturdy to hang on to.

One thing I recently tried was a mountain climber exercise. It started out ridiculously easy but after a minute I could really start to feel it! Not only does it work your abs but it really gets your heart beating fast!

I know I can find dozens of more equipment-less exercises on google but I'm interested in hearing what you guys actually like and/or find useful to do.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2002
i just do a bunch of pushup variations. depending where you put your hands, you concentrate more on a particular muscle group. push ups are the ultimate exercise, as it works literally everything. even your abs!


Mar 14, 2003
handstand pushups
wall climbs
tuck jumps
broad jumps
broad jump burpees
butterfly situps
air squats
walking lunges
vertical jumps


Mar 14, 2003
Is this what you mean by wall climbs? I'll have to give those a try!
Hell I'm tempted to close my door and try them now in my office :D

i can't access youtube at work but it's basically pushup prone position with feet at base of wall chest on floor then push up with arms and climb feet up wall moving hands in toward wall as you get higher up wall with feet and then end in inverted position fully stretched with chest touching wall then reverse to get to starting position.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Thanks to P90X I've grown to like pushups. Still don't much like pullups, but that's because I suck at them.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
Thanks to P90X I've grown to like pushups. Still don't much like pullups, but that's because I suck at them.

My back has always been a weakness for me, and I also didn't like pullups because I sucked at them :D. Though, when I actually started teaching myself about fitness, as opposed to just doing what I knew from high school football workouts, I realized I really wanted to fix that.

I began unable to do a single pullup, so I did sets of only negatives til I hit muscle fatigue (3-5 sets). Then I could do 1 pullup, so I did 1 pullup and finished the set with negatives. Bam, 2 pullups, then negatives. Worked myself up to about 10 pullups, and suddenly it's one of my favorite exercises! It feels amazing to be able to do pullups now, considering where I have been most of my life.

But anyways, I like the thread, cause my (primarily weightlifting) workouts have consistently been interrupted over the years due to not being able to make it to the gym for one reason or another. Sometimes I'll make it a couple of years, sometimes 6 months, but always followed by many months of inactivity. I've finally decided staying in shape doesn't have to involve a gym, so I'm tryin to learn a fun set of stuff I can do anywhere. With the weightlifting background, I was really amazed how enjoyable (and demanding!) some of these can be.

In addition to some already mentioned, I like hindu pushups, dive bomber pushups, shadowboxing, and I'm not really sure what to call it, but...you start in a pushup position (arms extended) and raise 1 arm up in front of you parallel to the ground without twisting your core (i.e. body remains in starting position other than the 1 arm). Hold the arm up for a few seconds, then return to starting position.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
My back has always been a weakness for me, and I also didn't like pullups because I sucked at them :D. Though, when I actually started teaching myself about fitness, as opposed to just doing what I knew from high school football workouts, I realized I really wanted to fix that.

I began unable to do a single pullup, so I did sets of only negatives til I hit muscle fatigue (3-5 sets). Then I could do 1 pullup, so I did 1 pullup and finished the set with negatives. Bam, 2 pullups, then negatives. Worked myself up to about 10 pullups, and suddenly it's one of my favorite exercises! It feels amazing to be able to do pullups now, considering where I have been most of my life.

But anyways, I like the thread, cause my (primarily weightlifting) workouts have consistently been interrupted over the years due to not being able to make it to the gym for one reason or another. Sometimes I'll make it a couple of years, sometimes 6 months, but always followed by many months of inactivity. I've finally decided staying in shape doesn't have to involve a gym, so I'm tryin to learn a fun set of stuff I can do anywhere. With the weightlifting background, I was really amazed how enjoyable (and demanding!) some of these can be.

In addition to some already mentioned, I like hindu pushups, dive bomber pushups, shadowboxing, and I'm not really sure what to call it, but...you start in a pushup position (arms extended) and raise 1 arm up in front of you parallel to the ground without twisting your core (i.e. body remains in starting position other than the 1 arm). Hold the arm up for a few seconds, then return to starting position.

I've gotten better as well, that is until I go severe tennis elbow in BOTH arms. The left has healed, the right has not. I continue to work on pull ups, however I use an arm brace and it has forced me to really concentrate on pulling with my back/lats, rather than my biceps/forearms.
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