What dumb stuff do you think about when your mind wonders?


Golden Member
Jan 16, 2003
What if we're nothing more than food to some superior being? Or maybe we already are we just don' know it.

We'll all eventually die, I wonder where and how?

If dead people roam the earth like they do in movies, does it mean there is a bunch of dead guys watching you masterbate?

I'm sure glad I'm a human, because most other animals spend their lives running from predators and they will be eventually be caught. I mean...how many animals die of natural old age? can you imagine if you spent your life running from something that wants to kill you, and you know it will eventually catch you?

What if I was born in a 3rd world country. Would I still be as happy as I am now? I mean happiness is relative right?

I wonder what killers feel like the first time they kill someone. In an instance, do they feel the cold chill of life turning on them? Now an entire country want to see him/her behind bars or excecuted. Must be a very lonely feeling.



Feb 7, 2001
The last random thought I had was about some woman on an e-loan commercial that was just on TV. I started to wonder who she is, where is she from, where is she right now and what is she doing. Things like that.


Platinum Member
Oct 31, 2004
doing wicked light sabre movements and conquering the world, while humming "guruguru maru"


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
lots of things if I acted on them would land me in jail for a long long long time.


Senior member
Jun 2, 2001
Originally posted by: aves2k
The last random thought I had was about some woman on an e-loan commercial that was just on TV. I started to wonder who she is, where is she from, where is she right now and what is she doing. Things like that.

That's weird. I was on an e-loan commercial thats been on TV recently. When I filmed it, I was wondering who would watch it, where they were from, where they were when I filmed it, and what they might be doing. Things like that.

And I wondered, what if there was a person who was watching my commecial who thought the exact same thing, but only in reverse.

And I then wondered, what I there's a person doing a commercial, wondering about a person watching the commecial, thats wondering about the person in the commercial they're watching. And what if that person was Fidel Castro?

It's mind blowing.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
one day my wife asked me what i was thinking about

i truthfully told her that i was wondering what happened when they guy who flies the traffic chopper goes on vacation. If someone else flew his chopper, if someone else flew a different chopper, if no one did air traffic those days, etc.

she doesn't ask me what i'm thinking much any more


Oct 5, 2004
It used to be strictly poon. Nowadays it's a mixture of poon and "I wonder what's for dinner". I understand it's a sign that my "day in the sun" has passed. Being old kicks ass.

What if everyone else looks at people and sees huge carrots with eyes and mouths, and I'm the only one who sees people as people? But if carrots are all anyone else has ever seen, then that's normal to them and they'd never be able to understand that I see people and they see carrots.