you guys are kinda of confused. .27 dpi on a 19" or 21" monitor is prefectly acceptable, since its a large monitor. The VS line is a great monitor for the price. I've got a kds-vs19sn myself (panasonic tube) and it cost $274 and was awesome. the best deal i've seen was the vs-190 a couple weeks back, it was $160 after rebates and coupons at That is a samsung or hitachi tube as kds doesnt make their own tubes. Very good monitors, much cheaper than that overpriced sony crap. Also that is a .27 diagonal pitch, which is about equivalent to a .24 stripe pitch (i.e. a .24 trinitron like a $650 sony g400). The vs19sn has a .26 diagonal and is also real good. the sharpest i'd say is the samsung ift series with is .2 horizontal which is about .25 diagonal. Make sure you get a good video card for non blurriness , some nvidia cards are real bad some are good so it might not be just your monitor