Mrvile Lifer Oct 16, 2004 14,066 1 0 Mar 25, 2005 #3 OOOOoooooooooh. Yet Another PlayStation Portable Thread, and Yet Another Poker Thread. HAHA!
S spidey07 No Lifer Aug 4, 2000 65,469 5 76 Mar 25, 2005 #4 when a particular topic has been discussed frequently acronyms can be used. The old standbys YAGT and YACT are girl and car. Otherwise the frequent discussions don't have much meaning... yet another spider thread, etc
when a particular topic has been discussed frequently acronyms can be used. The old standbys YAGT and YACT are girl and car. Otherwise the frequent discussions don't have much meaning... yet another spider thread, etc
her209 No Lifer Oct 11, 2000 56,336 11 0 Mar 25, 2005 #7 Yet Another Please Show Poon Thread Yet Another Poon Thread