Originally posted by: dr150
An example of a FUBAR would be:
....... of a single family househould where a bread earner loses his job in a bad economy and loses his house/car b/c mortgage/lease can't be payed, and has 3 kids to support. Spouse leaves after several months of stress and shacks up with guy you always hated at work.
Now, you're divorced, have no credit due to bankruptcy declaration, gained substantial weight due to clinical depression, kids won't talk to you due to brainwashing by ex-spouse and her lover, can't afford medical psychiatry due to lack of health insurance...........and immigration Visa won't get extended after spending vested cashed stock options on a sheister INS Lawyer......so you have to leave country a.s.a.p.....thus, you move in with parents that you CAN'T stand and have major contact again with prosperous siblings who represent everything you wish you were.
That's a major FUBAR IMHO.