- Jan 15, 2000
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My little bro wanted to get a new comp, so i suggested that i build one for him to save him some money.
CPU= Athlon 1.2 ghz
Motherboard= Epox DDR mobo (don't no model #, but its the newest one)
Memory= 256mb DDR 2100
SoundCard= Santa Cruz
Vid Card= 64mb geforce 2 gts pro
HD= Fujitsu 20 gb 5400 rpm (it's really quiet, can't even hear it)
Monitor= AWESOME iiyama 19 " monitor, (model # is 191A or something like that)
Headphones= Sennheiser 495's
Case= Antex SX830
mouse, keyboard, sidewinder gamepad, and lucent v.90 pci winmodem
All of this for only $1250... gotta love the internet.
For $1250 you could have got a POS HP computer or some crap COMPAQ computer with a TNT VANTA.
I must say that this system bests my own system that i built last christmas that cost me almost twice what my bro paid for his. I really love his monitor, 19", only cost him $339. The Santa cruz soundcard is also very clean sounding and the harddrive is so silent i can't even hear it accessing at all (due to its fluid bearings), it is quite slow though, 5400rpm. Anyways what do you guys think?
CPU= Athlon 1.2 ghz
Motherboard= Epox DDR mobo (don't no model #, but its the newest one)
Memory= 256mb DDR 2100
SoundCard= Santa Cruz
Vid Card= 64mb geforce 2 gts pro
HD= Fujitsu 20 gb 5400 rpm (it's really quiet, can't even hear it)
Monitor= AWESOME iiyama 19 " monitor, (model # is 191A or something like that)
Headphones= Sennheiser 495's
Case= Antex SX830
mouse, keyboard, sidewinder gamepad, and lucent v.90 pci winmodem
All of this for only $1250... gotta love the internet.
For $1250 you could have got a POS HP computer or some crap COMPAQ computer with a TNT VANTA.
I must say that this system bests my own system that i built last christmas that cost me almost twice what my bro paid for his. I really love his monitor, 19", only cost him $339. The Santa cruz soundcard is also very clean sounding and the harddrive is so silent i can't even hear it accessing at all (due to its fluid bearings), it is quite slow though, 5400rpm. Anyways what do you guys think?