While anything with herbal remedies is generally a spam ad, this isn't, just asking for advice.
For a while, my life's been kind of going more and more into a rut. I frequently sleep in (sometimes for pretty much the whole day), don't go into work, miss class, don't do homework, don't study, etc. In middle school, I developed the habit of staying up late in the morning and doing my homework then with lots of caffeine. This eventually developed into me doing my homework/projects right before class (all time record for a 5 page paper is 15 minutes of work), or working through the night if the project was demanding enough.
Well, I'm two years into college now, and despite deciding this has to stop, I've been unable to change my habits. I find I just can't function without high amounts of caffeine, and I'm unable to develop proper sleeping habits because I just can't fall asleep unless I'm dead tired, and even then it can take 1 to 2 hours. I'm unable to pay attention and barely comprehend when people talk (just can't focus), which now only makes attending class seem pointless (going to need to learn it from the book anyway). This has led to a rather humorous scenario at work where I'll often ask the same question multiple times, not having even remembered getting an answer the previous times.
It's really become too warying on me to pull all nighters all the time, I had no problem doing it in high school (tired and full of caffeine is really the only way I can concentrate, full of caffeine alone and I'm too hyper, just tired and I'll be able to concentrate) but now I tend to sleep in more often than not. Not unable to wake up, it just feels pointless to do things when I feel I won't be able to pay attention anyway.
Ideally, I'd want to walk over to the student health center and talk to a professional about this. However, I'm still under my parent's health insurance (if it would even cover the visit at all) and there's no way they could find out. They're both very disapproving (of just about everything) and would freak out over a visit to a psychiatrist or a psychologist (which one deals with this type of stuff?).
So plan B is try some otc concentration or sleep aids and see how they work. A quick google search revealed this,
a "herbal remedy" called attend. It seems sketchy though, I can't really find any information about it online (other than some rave reviews that appear to be viral marketting), and I've heard too much about herbal remedies to trust them. Too many just plain don't work, or have harmful side effects yet aren't regulated to ensure their safety.
So, opinions? "Your post is too long for me to read" comments? Anybody ever heard of attend?
For a while, my life's been kind of going more and more into a rut. I frequently sleep in (sometimes for pretty much the whole day), don't go into work, miss class, don't do homework, don't study, etc. In middle school, I developed the habit of staying up late in the morning and doing my homework then with lots of caffeine. This eventually developed into me doing my homework/projects right before class (all time record for a 5 page paper is 15 minutes of work), or working through the night if the project was demanding enough.
Well, I'm two years into college now, and despite deciding this has to stop, I've been unable to change my habits. I find I just can't function without high amounts of caffeine, and I'm unable to develop proper sleeping habits because I just can't fall asleep unless I'm dead tired, and even then it can take 1 to 2 hours. I'm unable to pay attention and barely comprehend when people talk (just can't focus), which now only makes attending class seem pointless (going to need to learn it from the book anyway). This has led to a rather humorous scenario at work where I'll often ask the same question multiple times, not having even remembered getting an answer the previous times.
It's really become too warying on me to pull all nighters all the time, I had no problem doing it in high school (tired and full of caffeine is really the only way I can concentrate, full of caffeine alone and I'm too hyper, just tired and I'll be able to concentrate) but now I tend to sleep in more often than not. Not unable to wake up, it just feels pointless to do things when I feel I won't be able to pay attention anyway.
Ideally, I'd want to walk over to the student health center and talk to a professional about this. However, I'm still under my parent's health insurance (if it would even cover the visit at all) and there's no way they could find out. They're both very disapproving (of just about everything) and would freak out over a visit to a psychiatrist or a psychologist (which one deals with this type of stuff?).
So plan B is try some otc concentration or sleep aids and see how they work. A quick google search revealed this,
a "herbal remedy" called attend. It seems sketchy though, I can't really find any information about it online (other than some rave reviews that appear to be viral marketting), and I've heard too much about herbal remedies to trust them. Too many just plain don't work, or have harmful side effects yet aren't regulated to ensure their safety.
So, opinions? "Your post is too long for me to read" comments? Anybody ever heard of attend?