What do you guys think of this herbal remedy?


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
While anything with herbal remedies is generally a spam ad, this isn't, just asking for advice.

For a while, my life's been kind of going more and more into a rut. I frequently sleep in (sometimes for pretty much the whole day), don't go into work, miss class, don't do homework, don't study, etc. In middle school, I developed the habit of staying up late in the morning and doing my homework then with lots of caffeine. This eventually developed into me doing my homework/projects right before class (all time record for a 5 page paper is 15 minutes of work), or working through the night if the project was demanding enough.

Well, I'm two years into college now, and despite deciding this has to stop, I've been unable to change my habits. I find I just can't function without high amounts of caffeine, and I'm unable to develop proper sleeping habits because I just can't fall asleep unless I'm dead tired, and even then it can take 1 to 2 hours. I'm unable to pay attention and barely comprehend when people talk (just can't focus), which now only makes attending class seem pointless (going to need to learn it from the book anyway). This has led to a rather humorous scenario at work where I'll often ask the same question multiple times, not having even remembered getting an answer the previous times.
It's really become too warying on me to pull all nighters all the time, I had no problem doing it in high school (tired and full of caffeine is really the only way I can concentrate, full of caffeine alone and I'm too hyper, just tired and I'll be able to concentrate) but now I tend to sleep in more often than not. Not unable to wake up, it just feels pointless to do things when I feel I won't be able to pay attention anyway.

Ideally, I'd want to walk over to the student health center and talk to a professional about this. However, I'm still under my parent's health insurance (if it would even cover the visit at all) and there's no way they could find out. They're both very disapproving (of just about everything) and would freak out over a visit to a psychiatrist or a psychologist (which one deals with this type of stuff?).

So plan B is try some otc concentration or sleep aids and see how they work. A quick google search revealed this,
a "herbal remedy" called attend. It seems sketchy though, I can't really find any information about it online (other than some rave reviews that appear to be viral marketting), and I've heard too much about herbal remedies to trust them. Too many just plain don't work, or have harmful side effects yet aren't regulated to ensure their safety.

So, opinions? "Your post is too long for me to read" comments? Anybody ever heard of attend?


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
I think your ideas are pretty good and there might be a good market for people with ADD--- hey it's raining outside, wtf.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: kush23
try THC - its a great herbal remedy for ADD

Haha, can't believe I actually had to wiki that one. Might be a good stress reducer, but somehow I doubt that'll increase my attentiveness or my ability to wake up in the morning.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: krunchykrome
I'd be interested as to whether or not you're diagnosed with ADD.

I'm not (never gone for a diagnosis of any sort), but somehow I have a feeling this herbal remedy isn't something doctors advise to treat ADD with anyway. But if it's safe and does increase attentiveness, then I figure that may be all I need. And if not, then oh well, I'll try something else to pull myself together. I've already tried the hard work and dedication method (just hold myself to a schedule, and force myself to do things) but it just doesn't stick, and it definetely doesn't solve my inability to pay attention. Even silently repeating back things people say doesn't make things stick. Hurts my professional, school, and social life significantly, and I'd like to do something about it since I know I wasn't always like this.

There is a list of symptoms on the website I listed and I do meet more than 20 of them (it's recommendation for how many to meet before you need to worry), but self-diagnosis based on a check-list tends to be more bunk than anything. I was raised to believe that people who act the way I do are simply weak in character, lack consideration for others, and are just plain stupid, but after failing to deal with this on my own I figured it wouldn't hurt to try some OTC stuff. Prescription stuff is out of the question, my parents wouldn't accept me going to a psychiatrist or psychologist (my sister did once and she got a pretty horrible reaction from my dad) and definetely wouldn't accept me taking pills.


Oct 10, 2006
Wow. You just described almost word for word my 2nd semester of college (just ended a couple of months ago for me).

Granted, the causes of my issues were fairly obvious (Every member of my immediate family has effectivly been at war with each other for 3 years and counting, waking up to parents screaming at each other for weeks on end, including Christmas, and it gets a hell of a lot worse etc)

I won't depress you with my full story. :)

(here's the answer to your post) I went to see a psichiatrist. My primary problem was that I couldn't fall asleep unless I was utterly exhausted. I felt like I was on guard for something, on my toes at all times, nervous. My brain just wouldn't shut down. As a result of this, my memory, focus, and general intellect died. I was lethargic 24/7. I also had other issues you didn't have, but I won't get into those.

I stopped going to classes because I knew from experience I'd get nothing out of it, my social life collapsed, I had no motivation to do anything.

Psychiatrist ran a few tests. I was diagnosed with ADHD, moderate depression, and a mild case of Post-Traumatic Stress.

Psychiatrist gave me a mood-stabalizer, and now I sleep better than I have in years.

Concerning your parents: You're in college. Screw your parents. If they're not willing to part with a few dollars to ensure your mental health, well...

As for the herbal stuff, they can work, but stick with the Big Brands (Nature's Way, GNC, etc). And throughoughly research anything before going on it (I'm talking scientific studies)The big issue is absorbtion and quality (as well as theorectical effectivenss). A lot of the small "cheap" brands use lower quality materials that don't disentigrate fast enough. You abosrb a small fraction of the good stuff and shiat out the rest. The big brands tend to gurantee better absorbtion.

Personally, I use this:

It's been used in Peru for generations, and scientifc studies on it go all the way back to the 1960s. Helps my mental focus a ton, is a mild anti-depressant, increases strenght/endurance, and acts as a libido stimulant (you want to have more sex). Personally, I've found the last effect to be pretty mild (there's no uncontrollable urges or anything), but it depends on your individual physiology.

NOTE: It doesn't significantly alter hormone levels.

Also, I'm no doc, but you sound depressed (according to the criteria my psychiatrist gave me). If you don't want to see a psychiatrist, you can always try this:


It's also got a lot of scientific backing as an anti-depressant and a remedy for sleep-problems, but it conflicts with a lot of meds, so check if you're on anything.

Of course, you might just need a sleeping pill (like I said, I'm no doc)

Edit: Edited for sp


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
While herbal remedies aren't necessarily bullshit, the ones that do work do so because of their active ingredients - ingredients which aren't regulated in any fashion and may vary in dosage from batch to batch. You'd be much better off with a modern synghesized equivalent in a uniform dosage, eg. modern medicine.


Oct 10, 2006
Oh, and:

psychologist = examines emotional issues, feelings, underlying mental causes of problems. Is not an MD, cannot prescribe meds.

psychiatrist = does some of the above, but generally looks at the biochemical aspect. Is an MD, can prescribe meds.

Pick whichever suits you best.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
irishScott- I feel for you, I'm glad you were able to find a solution.
As far as depression goes, well once again, no official diagnosis, but I'd say I may have become depressed around sophomore year of high school. I already was known as one of the "smart" kids, but going into freshman year of high school I dropped 50 pounds in 2 months (I was one of the fat, lonely kids) and began a really severe daily exercise routine (4 to 6 hours of pretty intense workouts) that put me in really good shape. Sophomore year I joined cross country and wrestling, as well as began to develop something of a social life and popularity..and was completely unable to deal with the stress from competition. Had a lot of failures in various things solely due to overworking myself and lost a lot of confidence (though I perhaps had my goals set way too high anyway). Junior year it developed into something that fits the symptons of manic depression (acting super happy around other people, ready to break out crying alone) and senior year and freshman year of college I had some really worrying behavior and thoughts, and became very clingy to anyone I felt would give me security or understanding.
Eventually worked things out on my own, and dropped a lot of the stress by dropping all preconceived notions about life and obligations. Unfortunately, I also dropped all my motivation and I've been slowly learning to do things because I enjoy them or they're good for me, rather than because I feel I have no other choice. I'd say I'm perhaps a bit depressed just from the failures and stress I've been undergoing, but it feels nothing like it used to and I don't feel like my life is out of control. I occasionally stress out (usually as a result of the not attending class, not doing homework thing), but a little break from whatever I'm doing calms me down.
Jun 27, 2005
Sounds more like depression than ADD...

Not that I believe in ADD to begin with... My take on the issue...

My suggestion is to go work out. Preferably at night. I hit the gym at 9:30-10pm, work hard for an hour or so and by midnight I'm out like a light. Plus it will help with your apparent depression.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
I work out for an hour and half everyday, then go for a run. Well, technically I haven't worked out that much this week due to falling so far behind in ordinary differential equations (little sleep, missing class, and 100 pages of material to cover before I'm caught up prompted me to make this post) and my professor wanting me to put more hours in at work, but I've been fairly consistent about it for the rest of the summer. Been putting on a lot of muscle, but it's a bit upsetting that I still have a gut despite all the exercise. Too much fast food I suppose.
Currently my schedule should be: 4 hours of class a day starting at 8AM, 3-4 hours of work starting at noon or 1, exercise for 2 hours, then homework for however long it takes, then early bed. Never seem to get around to the homework, can't fall asleep early, and just don't seem to be able to manage the entire schedule in a single day. Which is a shame, because it really doesn't look that difficult.