Is there anything you can do to make a mean dog (Chihuahua) into a nicer fun loving dog? My parents never taught it right, they give it treats when it steals something. But I run after it and grab it from her. She'll bite anyone that disturbs her while eating, I don't like having company over with it either. Its horrible. Attack of the taco bell dog!
Its only nice to my parents and it doesn't really bug me unless i interfer with her. My parents feed her human food, no dog food except treats. I was thinking of overfeeding her or something to tone down the years but I think thats cruel. Any thoughts? I would think professional training would be expensive. She still craps and pees on training pads, parents are really lazy with this dog.
Its only nice to my parents and it doesn't really bug me unless i interfer with her. My parents feed her human food, no dog food except treats. I was thinking of overfeeding her or something to tone down the years but I think thats cruel. Any thoughts? I would think professional training would be expensive. She still craps and pees on training pads, parents are really lazy with this dog.