What Changed My Temps?


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2001
Just curious more than anything else. On my stock XP2400, MBM reported my systemp at 33C and cpu temp at 36C average under normal use and up to 40C when working it hard. It stayed like this for about 5 months. Recently, over a period of a few weeks, the average temp increased to 40-41 at idle and 44C loaded. I changed nothing... nothing at all. Case temps are still in the 33C-34C range.

I pulled the HS, blew it and the rest of the innards out with a can of air, cleaned the contact surfaces with alcohol, reapplied ASIII and put everything back exactly as it was and there was no change. I've done this three times and the results have been the same. I even went back to some fake AS that I had used before and still got the same results.

So.... with all parts equal and nothing changed, no BIOS update, clean case, same fans, same HS, same voltages, and 3 trips to the cpu with AS it is still hell bent on staying at 40C idle and 44C no matter what I do.

The temps are still perfectly acceptable but I am curious to know what might have caused this? Anyone else ever see this?
Aug 7, 2002
Maybe an increase in ambient temperatures? I know that recently it got hotter where I live, and my both my MB and CPU temps rose about 5C.