Originally posted by: Kensai
I use zip ties.
Yeah, Radio Shack sells some nice packs of zip ties with an assortment of lengths, thicknesses & colors. I paid a few bucks awhile back for a pack that'll last me for years of upgrades & builds. And they make some for outdoor use as well that are particularly heat resistant. You could also prolly find some high-temp zip ties at any auto parts store worth its salt if you happen to have an overclocked rig that's like an oven inside or something. China Depot, er, Home Depot also sells zip ties.
If I ever get around to finishing a build I started awhile back, I'm also gonna use some plastic wire loom cover like Mrvile referred to. It's hollow plastic tubing, with a slit cut down the whole length of it so you can just pry it open with your fingers, position it over your wires, and voila -- it accomplishes the same thing as sleeving with about 1/100th the effort. It doesn't look as slick as sleeving, of course, but I personally don't care about that. You can get it at China Depot, Lowe's, et al. and also any auto parts store. And it's dirt cheap (a few bucks).
If you wanna see some slick sleeving, mechBgon has some pics somewhere of the double-sleeving he did on his rig. He said it took him forever, but it's pretty impressive. I don't have that much free time though. :laugh: