Originally posted by: HopJokey
Originally posted by: shortylickens
I hadnt used a Blackberry until recently. Yesterday I got my mom a Curve for her birthday. Spent all day setting it up and playing with it before I gave it to her. Have to admit I was very impressed. Am not happy with my Voyager and after doing all this research for the Blackberrys I think I may be a new BB user this November.
For myself I was thinking of the Bold or the Curve 8900, but all the talk of the Tour lately has gotten me excited for that.
I like pretty much everything it has, but if I were to get it I'd wait until I could find a super-duper extended battery. As much as I liked the Curve I would certainly wanna play with the Tour all day long. Also, it would need to be unlocked and free from any Verizon UI changes. They have a tendancy to mess up the interface of almost all their phones.
On Verizon the "UI" isn't really locked on BlackBerries. You can load any OS you want and theme you want. The only thing that is really locked on the previous Verizon BB's (before the storm) is the GPS.
The only downside with the Tour is no Wifi which reportedly all BB's after the Tour will have (like the Storm 2 due out in November). Other than that the Tour is pretty awesome. OS 5.0 due later this year should make it even better. If you like the Bold or Curve 8900 it's like both of them put together on CDMA networks.
Seidio makes great extended batteries and no doubt will have one available for the Tour.