"The wheel weaves as the wheel wills."
My guesses (it's not rocket science just think of anything mentioned at a Tech show like comdex er whatever):
? PCI Express
? A x86-64 OS from Microslop
? DDR II, DDR400, 433, 466, 500, etc...etc....
? New CPU sockets
? New power saving stuff
? Serial Attached SCSI (SaS)
? Centrino II (er whatever they're gonna call it)
? CPUs that disipate 100+w
? More multicore/multichip CPU/GPU solutions
? More gfx cards to support standards (like DX 10 er whatever) that isn't even out and/or in use at the time when the card is released (let alone the forseeable future)
? Better GFX processors for Laptops, PDAs, Phones
? Transmeta will release a 2GHz part
? SFF (MiniITX) will continue to be kewl but NanoATX (NanoITX....whatever it's called) will start to grow and be even kewler
? More Audio devices with compact HDs
? More audio devices with OGG and/or ATRAC (Sony is pushing more and more) support
? More wireless enabled or enabling audio/media devices (like:
http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=38&prid=554 )
? Do I have to keep going, it's not as if any of this is suprising it's just more of the same trends we've seen over the past 5, 10, 15, 20 years......
Edit oh and of course:
? The final humiliation and downfall of