I can't help you with a good price/quality overview, but I can tell you what to look for in product reviews, and what specs translate into good quality. Brightness, contrast ratio, viewing angle, and response times are the numbers to be aware of. Brightness and contrast ratio are the main factors when you're considering comfort over the long term (i.e., reducing eye strain). A brightness of 250 cd/sq meter or better is probably what you want to shoot for, and contrast ratio of at least 400:1. Viewing angle is how far to the side of the display you get before the colors start looking freaky. Most good LCDs have high viewing angles, like 160/160 (horizontal/vertical). 180 is the max, but really, who's going to be looking at the LCD nearly edge-on?
If he's going to be using the monitor for gaming, then response time becomes very important. For me, I'd figure that 40 milliseconds is the highest acceptable. Anything higher than that and 'ghosting' or 'streaking' starts to get annoying.
Just beware that there's no standard for arriving at the figures; manufacturers will tend to fudge and tweak to get the best possible result. Your best bet would be to find a site that reviews several models at once.
This site has done a lot of good LCD reviews lately.
I've had a Samsung SyncMaster for about six months now and I'm VERY happy with it. However, it was pretty expensive, more than I'd expect someone to pay for as a gift for me.