What are the best prepaid deals?


Apr 27, 2000
I am on Sprint and like the service, however I am simply not using it enough to justify the price. I don't need mobile internet, and I certainly do not need a lot of minutes, unlimited texts would be nice.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
IMO it's the $29.99 1200 talk/text from PPW.

1200 minutes, 1200 text messages, 50mb data

You can survive on 50MB data if you don't stream audio/video on your phone. I use this plan with a Moto Droid running Froyo and I read stuff online all the time using Opera Mini; I stay within the 50mb alotment without any issues.

I use about 700-900 mins of voice and at least 400-500 texts per month as well.

The ability to use any of the newest Verizon phones, plus Verizon's network, are huge plusses. I am on the lookout for an off-contract Droid X, but my Moto Droid is running quite fast these days on Froyo. Being forced to use something like an LG Rumor Touch on Virgin Mobile would be a huge downgrade.


Oct 11, 1999
IMO it's the $29.99 1200 talk/text from PPW.

1200 minutes, 1200 text messages, 50mb data

You can survive on 50MB data if you don't stream audio/video on your phone. I use this plan with a Moto Droid running Froyo and I read stuff online all the time using Opera Mini; I stay within the 50mb alotment without any issues.

I use about 700-900 mins of voice and at least 400-500 texts per month as well.

The ability to use any of the newest Verizon phones, plus Verizon's network, are huge plusses. I am on the lookout for an off-contract Droid X, but my Moto Droid is running quite fast these days on Froyo. Being forced to use something like an LG Rumor Touch on Virgin Mobile would be a huge downgrade.


I put a Droid Incredible on PP last week, am going to migrate my family plan to it, just scored a Droid 1 on eBay, one more Droid to go and it's goodbye TMobile.

After using TMobile for a decade and ATT at times as well, I love Verizon's network, good penetration into buildings compared to TMobile & ATT.

If Virgin would allow you to use other carrier's phones, I'd use them, but they're pretty rigid about what phones they allow.
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Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2006
You guys are lucky. Unfortunately, I cannot move my Sprint phone to Virgin Mobile. I really wish I could.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
You guys are lucky. Unfortunately, I cannot move my Sprint phone to Virgin Mobile. I really wish I could.

You might be able to take it over to PagePlus.

I have the $29.99 1200/1200 plan that jpeyton talked about. They also have a Power Text plan that gives you 2000 texts a month for $10. Keep $10 worth of voice minutes on it (About $.10 a minute if you only buy a $10 card). My son has this and he makes about 5 calls a month.....

Check out http://www.kittywireless.com
Their web site will explain a lot about PagePlus.
