What are some things I *DEFINITELY* need to do while I'm in Vegas?


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2000
I'm spending the weekend in vegas in early july. I think my friend got us rooms in the New York New York Hotel, anyone heard of this one? Anyway, I'd appreciate some suggestions/tips/tricks on how we can make this trip a very memorable one.

What should we do there?


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
WTF? How did scrapster get under? Anyways, New York New York is a decent hotel. Dont' know what you're into. I love eating. So when I'm out there I try and hit the best buffets. MY personal favorite is the Mandalay Bay buffet. All you can eat crab legs. spent two hours there one night! I'm a pig! Another top buffet is the Aladdin but I have not been to that one yet.

I like checking out all of the different hotels. I'm a light gambles and am not willing to pay alot of money to see a show. Definitely visit Rio, Bellagio, and all those other popular ones.

If you want to watch a show. There are alot of magic shows. The "O" at the Bellagio I heard is really good. Definitely get a car while you're out there. It'll be hot and dry and just drive to the different hotels you want to see and park in the structure. Or I personally like to valet the cars. It's pretty much free, just tip the guy a buck or two. That i think is one thing people don't realize about vegas. Alot of the stuff is cheap. If you like getting boozed, go gamble. Drinks will cost you maybe 50cents to a dollar for tip.


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2000
We are actually going there for a friends bachelor party. But then we will have 2 more days where we can do whatever. We want to get drunk and party. Not into gambling. I'd like to be a plain tourist for part of the time as well. I'm sure we will stumble upon cool places and things to do. I was just wondering if anyone here might have some specific suggestions. We don't have a lot of money but we're willing to spend what we have.


Feb 8, 2001
In order of priority:

Comedy Show
Dinner Buffets
New York, New York Roller Coaster
Gamble more
Magic Show
Breakfast Buffets
More strippers
Stage show


Golden Member
May 14, 2001

<< We are actually going there for a friends bachelor party. But then we will have 2 more days where we can do whatever. We want to get drunk and party. Not into gambling. I'd like to be a plain tourist for part of the time as well. I'm sure we will stumble upon cool places and things to do. I was just wondering if anyone here might have some specific suggestions. We don't have a lot of money but we're willing to spend what we have. >>

All you have to do is pick up the yellow pages in the hotel room and use the phone! ;)
Everything and anything can be delivered to you for a fee. hehehe

Have fun! Try hitting some of the clubs there. I think the Mandalay Bay and Rio have some good partying.


Diamond Member
May 30, 2001
My computer teacher went there a few months ago and he said that this place called &quot;The Stratosphere&quot; is really cool. I guess it's the tallest hotel in the world, and then they've got this awesome ride at the top. Dude, I have to go to Vegas sometime :)

Oh, yeah, have fun :D


Oct 11, 1999
Oh yeah that Strosphere is something like the thing in Seattle.

The light thingy on top of the Luxor hotel (if i remember) is pretty tight. I guess the Hoover Dam could be cool if you like looking at a massive concreate structure :). The guy tells ya dam jokes too dam police and stuff. Many of the hotels have their own shows. The Mirage has that tiger thingy, Treasure Island has a pirate ship battle, and the like.

That New York New York hotel is new it was being built when I was there a few years ago.


Mar 1, 2001
Cirque du Soleil at the Treasure Island/Mirage Casino---well worth the price of admission


and check out the light show on the &quot;old strip&quot;---really cool

...and remember---prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
I'm not really into cars though. . .

The only thing the Mustang Ranch has in common with cars is that either way you'll do some riding.

Do a search on Google if you don't understand, I'm not going to explain it here.

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
I don't think the mustang ranch has anything to do with cars. They have different kinds of &quot;rides&quot; there IIRC.

You're at a good hotel. It's right down in the new part of the strip. The stratosphere, while cool, is all the way down the strip from where you'll be. The pirate show at Treasure Island is pretty cool, it's every 15minutes or something. Maybe every half hour. Can't miss it, its right out front. Excalibur has joust shows, but I never saw those. Hit the nickle slots for a little gambling, cause people will ask you when you get back if you did any.

When you're walking down the street, and someone asks if you want free show tickets/tourist map/anything do not talk to them. They'll try and sell you a timeshare. You'll get tickets, but you'll have to listen to their timeshare crap for like two hours.

Enjoy your trip to the only city I've ever been where the prostitutes have their own trading cards (its true).


Golden Member
Dec 31, 2000

<< I don't think the mustang ranch has anything to do with cars. They have different kinds of &quot;rides&quot; there IIRC. >>

i haven't been to the ranch, but my guess is you'll be riding on someone than a car ~


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2000
I'm not familiar with Mustang Ranch, but I am aware of the Chicken Ranch. Probably a similar establishment to what Viper GTS had in mind. It's located in a little town called Parumph. About 50 miles outside of Vegas, so I don't know if that will be a little too far for you...


Golden Member
Jul 27, 2000
-Disclaimer: I'm a resident of Las Vegas-

The NYNY is a good hotel.

The Stratosphere, mentioned above, is the tallest casino I think. A pointless building and a scar on the skyline if you ask me :) There's a roller coaster and some sort of bungee thing at the top. The hotel is at the base, and in a bad part of town.

Treasure Island is a must see for the first time visitor, as is the Excalibur's show.

Heh. Mustang Ranch and such=Brothel. They're legal in all the counties surrounding Clark (Clark County=Las Vegas metro area).

Gameworks is fun, it's right next to the MGM Grand.

&quot;Enjoy your trip to the only city I've ever been where the prostitutes have their own trading cards (its true). &quot;

They're not prostitutes.. They're &quot;private entertainers&quot; or some such (no guarantees, in other words :) ). And there are business cards, brochures, etc... Rather amusing.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
There are limo services that provide &quot;free&quot; transportation to &amp; from the brothels.

From the umm... research... I did, visits to the brothels can get quite expensive. It's legal, but they make you pay dearly for it.

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2000
I'm not sure if we will venture out of Las Vegas at all. But knowing my friends, anything is possible. And this is supposed to be a bachelor party. . .