Microcenter has great in-store deals. Need one in your area though. As for online, not much is on the level that newegg is. Amazon, maybe?
:thumbsup::thumbsup: Terrible for browsing and research, but great prices when you actually want to buy.
i also like directron.com
:thumbsup: Ghetto as hell website, but the prices and service are pretty good.
Amazon is almost always more expensive when I compare it to Newegg, but if you have Prime you might break even with the free 2-day shipping.
There are exceptions: I needed a new home theater receiver and Amazon had the Sony STRDH820 for $100 less than Newegg! (And I'm liking it so far.)
Depending on your state you might also not pay taxes at Amazon when you would at Newegg, or vice versa.