As a racer, the brands to watch out for on the 1/10th on-road tracks are:
(in my order of preference)
Team Associated Nitro, TC3
Yokomo GT-4W
Mugen MTX-2
Kyosho V one R
HPI Racer2
Electric track dominators:
Losi weapon
Team associated TC3
HPI Pro3
Traxxas and duratrax make beginner cars.
Novarossi/Nitrostar/RB concept/Mugen
If you're starting out, i recommend buying a car w/o advanced suspension like an HPI Racer2. Unless u plan on getting a $100 hudy board or gauges. Setting up pivot ball suspension by eye is not an easy feat. On the track, a car that isn't hooked up is as good as broke (or last place).
Also keep in mind Tires/inserts make the biggest difference in handling.