cool, i got a sweeet deal on a 100pk box of TDKs These good?
Here's the money savin' luvin'
I went to, chose the 100pk of TDK 12x (650MB 74min) for $39.99. had a list of coupons from which I chose a $10 of $40 purchase.
Turns out that 39.99 isn't 40$ so i buy a 29cent black marker (hahahha! rotflmao) I think that was the cheapest thing on the whole site!
so Thats $30 there, AND the 100pk comes with a $20 mail in rebate too! niiice
This is how I'm spendin' my $100 I got from my grandparents (The other $70 goes to 128Mb stick of Mushkin HSDRAM)
Am I not a bargain hunter? Well, end of that... gotta go.