Westinghouse 37" 1080p LVM-37W3 REFURB for $679.99 at eCost


Junior Member
Jul 26, 2007
eCost has refurbs of the fabled Westinghouse 37" LCD. If you missed the deal at Costco last month, this might be your last chance to get the Westy, it's been confirmed in other places that the 37" line has been discontinued.


Reviews of eCost are pretty bad, but if you really want this monitor/tv, your only other choices at this point are Crutchfield for $1200. It was also on newegg VERY briefly earlier this week for $1000. There is apparently a 10% off code available for eCost available through shop.com

Update 8/10: I received my monitor last night. It is everything I ever hoped it would be. The box was not in great condition, and it was missing any sort of manual/documentation, and did not come with any cables (DVI or power). However, the monitor itself was in perfect condition, and works great, with no dead pixels that I can see. We'll see if it holds up, but so far I think the gamble has paid off. Some posters below have suggested getting a third-party extended warranty, because the mfg. warranty on the refurb is only 90 days.

Also, the item is currently OOS at eCost, but according to post on another forum, eCost expects to get some more in the next few weeks.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2007
eCost reviews are bad yea, but I took the risk. The 10% discount makes the total price at the end + shipping $654.20. That might change depending on where you live or what shipping you choose but it's still one hell of a deal as long as the dealer works out and it gets shipped properly. Thanks for the post!

Edit: Also hope the refurb units work fine... I've had good luck in the past!


Mar 16, 2001
I don't know.

With the price of the LCD TV's coming down... I think I'd rather spend a lil extra and get a non refurb with full warranty.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2000
Manufacturer Information: Parts Warranty: 90 Day/Labor Warranty: 90 Days

$674.99 + Shipping $46.71 = $721.62

If you can wait till November, LCD TV's will be 15% less than they are now . Don't know if i would spend $700 bux on a refrub, after 90 and it don't work you outta luck. Costco and BJ's have good deals too on new models.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
With a refurb, as long as the manufacturer still has at least a 90 day warranty, you can get a third-party warranty extension from Warrantech/Repairmaster for a very reasonable price.

For example, 5-year warranty for non-plasma TVs selling at under $750 is about $60. (Just buy it right away and don't wait too long to register.) About $100 for non-plasma TVs under $1500 (the RMT51500).

The folks at AVSforum seem to have had good experiences with this warranty company. For something like a DLP you'd want the extended warranty anyway; not sure what LCD failure rates are.


Senior member
Dec 3, 2000
Originally posted by: s44
With a refurb, as long as the manufacturer still has at least a 90 day warranty, you can get a third-party warranty extension from Warrantech/Repairmaster for a very reasonable price.

For example, 5-year warranty for non-plasma TVs selling at under $750 is about $60. (Just buy it right away and don't wait too long to register.) About $100 for non-plasma TVs under $1500 (the RMT51500).

The folks at AVSforum seem to have had good experiences with this warranty company. For something like a DLP you'd want the extended warranty anyway; not sure what LCD failure rates are.

As far as I understand, LCD unit failure is primarily linked to CCFL backlight failures. On top of that, new LED-based backlit units are due to come into the market en masse within the next year or two...


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
Update: coupon instructions on Fatwalle7. Basically, you have to find the item on shop.com and use the click-through link there.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2007
Just an fyi: this deal is back up at ecost they have it in stock again. I recieved mine a few weeks ago and it has worked perfectly. The box was also in good condition at arrival. Also, the 37" LVM-37w2 is on sale at tiger direct for $700. The difference between the w2 and the w3 is the w2 is only 720p/1080i whereas the w3 is 1080p; but the w2 has some built in tuners that the w3 lacks hence it being called a monitor. Here's the link to tiger direct http://www.tigerdirect.com/app...dpNo=2138899&CatId=386.


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2007
This is tempting with a 3rd party $60 5yr extended warranty... I'm torn.

Edit: Patience be damned! I'm goin' for it...


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2007
Got my w3 from ecost, yesterday! Delivered by DHL, the box was in good shape... The monitor is pristine. One thing that startled me the first time I turned it on... The entire screen distorted and had a matrixy greenish grid over it. I turned it off/on, and it never came back. No dead pixels. The clarity is amazing. It doesn't like the experimental nvidia Bioshock drivers, but I rolled back to the previous version, and everything is great.

I love this thing. Now, I just need to get that 5yr extended warranty from warrantech...

Edit: Ugh, it did the stupid green shadowing again... Went away after about 20 seconds, but I think I'm going to be sending this one back to ecost.

Update: Called ecost today, and they offered to replace it without argument. Unfortunately, I had to order a 2nd one with a promise of a refund upon returning the original. Keeping my fingers crossed.