West Coast Choppers


Oct 24, 2000
Alright, now I know I'm not in the mainstream for fashion, but whats the deal with "West Coast Choppers"? I see people all over the place wearing tee shirts, bumper stickers, window decals.... Hot Topic at the mall has a huge sign out front that says "GET YOUR WEST COAST CHOPPER STUFF HERE"

What's the deal?

Jfrag Teh Foul

Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
A really good bike maker that turned too commercial due to exposure on Discovery Channel. Who can blame him though... that is what he is in business to do.. make $.


Apr 23, 2000
I don't understand how people are willing to pay to advertise for them. Shouldn't they be paying you for being a walking billboard? Anyway, I would never wear one of those shirts as, for what I can see, only out of shape couch potatoes are wearing them. Kind of like skinny dudes wearing Golds Gym shirts. Doesn't make sense.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Rudee
I don't understand how people are willing to pay to advertise for them. Shouldn't they be paying you for being a walking billboard? Anyway, I would never wear one of those shirts as, for what I can see, only out of shape couch potatoes are wearing them. Kind of like skinny dudes wearing Golds Gym shirts. Doesn't make sense.

Couldn't the same be said for just about any clothing manufacturer?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Rudee
I don't understand how people are willing to pay to advertise for them. Shouldn't they be paying you for being a walking billboard? Anyway, I would never wear one of those shirts as, for what I can see, only out of shape couch potatoes are wearing them. Kind of like skinny dudes wearing Golds Gym shirts. Doesn't make sense.
Funny they seem to be popular with those who go to my gym. Probably because the shirts are form fitting and show off their muscles.


Apr 19, 2001
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: Rudee
I don't understand how people are willing to pay to advertise for them. Shouldn't they be paying you for being a walking billboard? Anyway, I would never wear one of those shirts as, for what I can see, only out of shape couch potatoes are wearing them. Kind of like skinny dudes wearing Golds Gym shirts. Doesn't make sense.

Couldn't the same be said for just about any clothing manufacturer?

Not really, it's mostly just athletic gear and gangwear. Nike will plaster their swoosh on anything, but most clothes have internal tags that can't be seen. Ever see a suit with "Armani" plastered on the sleeve in giant red letters?

I agree with minendo, people who line up for the chance to pay to advertise these lame-ass flash-in-the-pans are complete tools.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: Rudee
I don't understand how people are willing to pay to advertise for them. Shouldn't they be paying you for being a walking billboard? Anyway, I would never wear one of those shirts as, for what I can see, only out of shape couch potatoes are wearing them. Kind of like skinny dudes wearing Golds Gym shirts. Doesn't make sense.

Couldn't the same be said for just about any clothing manufacturer?

Not really, it's mostly just athletic gear and gangwear. Nike will plaster their swoosh on anything, but most clothes have internal tags that can't be seen. Ever see a suit with "Armani" plastered on the sleeve in giant red letters?

I agree with minendo, people who line up for the chance to pay to advertise these lame-ass flash-in-the-pans are complete tools.
I think those Black Long Sleeve WCC shirts look cool, much better than those oversized retro BB Jerseys that all the fat kids wear!

Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: Rudee
I don't understand how people are willing to pay to advertise for them. Shouldn't they be paying you for being a walking billboard? Anyway, I would never wear one of those shirts as, for what I can see, only out of shape couch potatoes are wearing them. Kind of like skinny dudes wearing Golds Gym shirts. Doesn't make sense.

Couldn't the same be said for just about any clothing manufacturer?

Not really, it's mostly just athletic gear and gangwear. Nike will plaster their swoosh on anything, but most clothes have internal tags that can't be seen. Ever see a suit with "Armani" plastered on the sleeve in giant red letters?

I agree with minendo, people who line up for the chance to pay to advertise these lame-ass flash-in-the-pans are complete tools.
I think those Black Long Sleeve WCC shirts look cool, much better than those oversized retro BB Jerseys that all the fat kids wear!

That doesn't really say much!

- M4H

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: Rudee
I don't understand how people are willing to pay to advertise for them. Shouldn't they be paying you for being a walking billboard? Anyway, I would never wear one of those shirts as, for what I can see, only out of shape couch potatoes are wearing them. Kind of like skinny dudes wearing Golds Gym shirts. Doesn't make sense.

Couldn't the same be said for just about any clothing manufacturer?

Not really, it's mostly just athletic gear and gangwear. Nike will plaster their swoosh on anything, but most clothes have internal tags that can't be seen. Ever see a suit with "Armani" plastered on the sleeve in giant red letters?

I agree with minendo, people who line up for the chance to pay to advertise these lame-ass flash-in-the-pans are complete tools.
I think those Black Long Sleeve WCC shirts look cool, much better than those oversized retro BB Jerseys that all the fat kids wear!
I guess it's a cvase of the Man making ths shiort and not vice versa. Sure a typical pudgy ass ATOT probably looks like ass with what ever he wears but someone who is in good shape like Rudee or Amused probably would look good in anything he wears..with the exception of those Retro BB Jerseys:)

That doesn't really say much!

- M4H


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Jesse James doesn't even wear those WCC shirts. He usually wears a "Support your local 81" shirt:)


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2001
ANother group that is cashing in on the whole chopper craze is OCC. Have you seen the truck and trailer they have now? DAMN! Some money there!

I wonder when this whole fad is going to crash and burn?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Desslok
ANother group that is cashing in on the whole chopper craze is OCC. Have you seen the truck and trailer they have now? DAMN! Some money there!

I wonder when this whole fad is going to crash and burn?

The best thing to Happen to both Jesse James and OCC is the Discovery Channel. I wonder how much they get paid per episode? Nothing like free advertising on National TV. At least they are better than that other Reality TV crap like Survivors and American Idol!