wellstone just got reelected to the senate


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Unless you can provide proof I will call you a liar. Elections are in November, last I checked it's still October so he hasn't been elected to anything yet.


Feb 13, 2000
Originally posted by: FoBoT
i am guessing he is referring to the "Carnahan effect"

I thought Carnahan stayed on the ballot? Welstone is going to be taken off the ballot in the next couple days. No one is positive on who's going to replace him.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Yzzim
Originally posted by: FoBoT
i am guessing he is referring to the "Carnahan effect"

I thought Carnahan stayed on the ballot? Welstone is going to be taken off the ballot in the next couple days. No one is positive on who's going to replace him.

i guess the laws are different up there (minnesota), the missouri state law prevented taking Carnahan off the ballot (or putting somebody else on i guess), so everybody voted for the dead guy, then after the election, the govenor appointed his wife to take his place


Feb 13, 2000
Originally posted by: FoBoT
Originally posted by: Yzzim
Originally posted by: FoBoT
i am guessing he is referring to the "Carnahan effect"

I thought Carnahan stayed on the ballot? Welstone is going to be taken off the ballot in the next couple days. No one is positive on who's going to replace him.

i guess the laws are different up there (minnesota), the missouri state law prevented taking Carnahan off the ballot (or putting somebody else on i guess), so everybody voted for the dead guy, then after the election, the govenor appointed his wife to take his place

Yeah, that's what I thought.

There's 5 possibilities to replace Wellstone right now. One is Fritz Mondale (Former Vice President and Senator) and another is former Viking great Alan Paige.

I've heard of Skip Humphrey's name as a possbility as well. Oddly enough, Norm Coleman who was running against Paul Welstone, ran against Skip Humphrey for Governor in 1998. We all know that both lost the election to Jesse Ventura, but it could make for a close (<11 day campaign) election this year.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2001
No one knows what is going to happen here in Minnesota.

There are 2 options:

- The Democrats replace him with someone else. They have until Nov. 1 to do that by MN law.

- The Democrats do not replace him. If his opponent wins, then that's that. If Wellstone wins, then whoever gets elected as our next governor will appoint a successor on January 20th for 2 years until the next general election at which time an election will be held for the remaining 4 years of the term.

Option #2 would be a big gamble for them as our governor election is running in a virtual 3-way tie for a frontrunner.

Word on the street is that the Dems are going to replace Wellstone with former VP Walter Mondale.