- Oct 17, 2004
- 358
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ok i went to sleep last night after happily completeing a quest that took me all day and i wake up and its tuesday morning maitnence so i dont log in ... i go to school and get my classes for next year come home and its about 12 so i go to log in i get the error message that that is not the correct account information so im like WTF i have my buddy try it too and low and behold it is the wrong P/w so i call up tech support and wat 15 min b4 gettign told that i need to call billing so i call billing and then they tell me that i cant change the P/w B/c im not the accounts origional owner and so i ask what the email is and ITS NOT MY EMAIL now i just want to know WHO IN THE HELL STOLE ME WoW Account and what FOR?!?!im only lvl 30 its not worth anyhitng it has 2 days left and there is no auto pay its on GAMECARDS Now i have to go out and spen 80$ on getting the game and the game card thats money that would have otherwise gone to mroe RAM but NO some @!$hole had to ruin it and i have to WASTE another 4 DAYS OF MY LIFE to get to the same spot with all of those items I HATE people who would do that kind of thing well GG to blizzard and who ever had the BALLS to do that to me because i hope i meet them in real life so i can take somehitng important from them (idk maby a few weeks w/o the use of their arms or maybe their ability to eat solid foods) ok /endrant:brokenheart: