Is it civil to ask loaded questions, in hopes of getting a debate going?
Welcome, all.. and enjoy the honeymoon.
Hard to answer this. The preference is always to put forth your own opinion on whatever the topic is. If you don't have any view on the matter at all, I suppose you could just ask a question. But that seems unlikely, if the topic is controversial. Asking a question in the hopes of getting someone else to reply only so you can then jump them would be a bit.. cowardly.
I like that we have 1 gun control thread and 1 health care thread. Is there any possibility that we can try to keep topics more or less consolidated?
Perknose, beyond one's post, will this also include presented avatars and signatures? There are a few around with the intention to provoke and offend.Politeness and respect for others is essential here. Friendly, civil, honest discussion is the rule.
I understand the main emphasis, but what about things like metacognition, that is how we think about thinking and the associated processes. We think and we believe, but why? I consider such discussions relevant to how we approach things. Is that proper here?
Any particular reason we changed the name?
Perknose, beyond one's post, will this also include presented avatars and signatures? There are a few around with the intention to provoke and offend.
The mission for respectful civility all around is a wonderful baseline.
We want to emphasize that the scope of discussion here includes the philosophical and is not limited to politics or current events.
More subtly, this forum's moderators wished to shift the emphasis here from the adversarial approach of debate to the more congenial and cooperative approach of discussion.
Think of this forum as a club and not a war zone.
Like the pirate code?no you do not have follow the rules for an official debate, because there are no such rules. There are guidelines