What i realize now is that the United States is a "pseudo" terrritorial democratic government. Our government didn't miss the idea that the Mujahadeen were the nastiest Mofo's around, even worse than the Shee-ites of Iran, even to the point that it's illegal to own and watch TV in Afghan....But, had to overcome the Bigger Evil, henceforth, Carter & Ragean threw all types of resources only to see this happen....I wonder how the Rumsfield, Cheney, & other officials feel at this time realizing that at one time, the enemy now was a friend!
My theory is that, 20yrs from now, most pblbly dejavu([in the sense of a friend turning into a foe will materialize.[/b] How nasty can politics get? It's also sad that this enormous tragedy and sadness could become the turning point for our society waking up to see the grim side of the international world and how deeply entrenched we are in it just like everybody else.....