Just an update from the first time i posted this. Take note the deal officially starts on Sunday - October 27, 2002.
Get a WD 60gb (7200rpm) HD and Peachtree Accounting 2003 for $29.98 + tax
- The Drive for $99.99
- Peachtree for $164.99
- The rebate on the HD (Offer C) for $20
- The rebate on Peachtree for $165
Use the $50 off $250 coupon found somewhere on the 'net
to get:
$99.99 + $164.99 - $50coupon - $20mir - $165mir = $29.98 + tax
Get a WD 60gb (7200rpm) HD and Peachtree Accounting 2003 for $29.98 + tax
- The Drive for $99.99
- Peachtree for $164.99
- The rebate on the HD (Offer C) for $20
- The rebate on Peachtree for $165
Use the $50 off $250 coupon found somewhere on the 'net
$99.99 + $164.99 - $50coupon - $20mir - $165mir = $29.98 + tax