Watts, Power Supply


Golden Member
Jun 15, 2002
I have a matx board, with a nic, cheap soundcard, 32X CDRW, 2-20GB 5400rpms HDs, no PCI video card-yet. P-III, 1 GHz, 256MB. How do I know if my PS is good enough? How do I figure out how many watts my system is using? I have a 145 watts PS as of now. I know the easy answer is "just go buy the Antec KS282+PP303X, it's only about $45, with a 300 watt PS, shipped free(? on some days) from emscomputing". But why waste $45 if the PS is good enough, and the money could be put toward a barebones system with a better MOBO and case.



Golden Member
Sep 28, 2001
I don't know an easy way to figure it out. You will need to look up the documentation on it all and see how many watts all the parts draw. Then you need to find out what your PSU can sustainably put out. Not the Max power.

I would say that your PSU will not cut it. It may run but not very well. I would buy a new one.