Deeko Lifer Jun 16, 2000 30,213 12 81 Sep 22, 2003 #1 Anyone remember the exact quote from the Waterboy when sandler goes to LT's camp?
Deeko Lifer Jun 16, 2000 30,213 12 81 Sep 22, 2003 #4 ahh they've got part of it...what does bobby say before the crack thing?
anxi80 Lifer Jul 7, 2002 12,294 2 0 Sep 22, 2003 #5 LT: and that beings me to my next point...'dont smoke crack!' sorry, thats all i can recall. i have a gist of what he says, but i couldnt repeat it verbatim. edit: bah, i was off. but i had the gist of it!
LT: and that beings me to my next point...'dont smoke crack!' sorry, thats all i can recall. i have a gist of what he says, but i couldnt repeat it verbatim. edit: bah, i was off. but i had the gist of it!