<< and another thing- if the street racers in this movie are supposed to be really concerned about speed-- and not just average rice-boys- why do they weigh down there car with so much crap like stereo's and neon lights and crap like that >>
That bothers me too. They go and talk about saving 2 pounds with some piece of carbon fiber whatchamacallit and then put in hydrolics, a highend stereo, and all that other crap. Even worse than that is that the guy blew his engine (cracked the head i think, maybe threw a rod, don't remember) and proceeded to outrun the cops for a good while longer. And with that actual nice car at the end that supossedly had so much power that it worped the frame why did the guy put in some sort of bracing. Also, wouldn't it still be warped and drive very croked?