Wash/Wax process


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2002
How often do you wash/wax your car? What kind of products?

I just got a new car so I'm in the obsessed with keeping it clean phase that I'm sure will go away in 6 months but until then...

Unfortunately I live in an apartment so I don't have access to a hose. I can do the automatic drive-ins which I have a feeling are terrible for your car or maybe go to those hand wash booths that require 50 quarters to use. Then drive home and wax/polish in my parking space I guess?


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2010
Optimum No-Rinse and two bucket method with decent wash and dry mitts, then wax as usual. I did this for a while in various apartments and it works pretty well.

I have a hose now so I use normal Adam's car wash, instant spray detailer as lube before drying, Mother's wax. Once a year I use these rubberized clay bar replacements, brand name escapes me at the moment -- but they are really nice, turns the "clay" process into a 30 minute job and leaves the paint ridiculously smooth. I wash like 3-4 times per year and wax 1-2 because I don't drive the car that I actually wash if it's not nice out, doesn't get dirty that fast.

My daily gets washed when it rains. :rolleyes:


Aug 30, 2000
Drive through isn't bad as long as it isn't the type with brushes.

Easiest way to keep the car clean is covered parking.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2007
My local gas station has a 'touchless car wash' for $6. It does a good job especially since it is touchless. I normally park the car right after a wash and with a few white terry towels wipe down the excess water, missed spots and glass. When my car was new, I would do this every 10 days (at each fill up), but now that my car is two years old, I do it about every other fill up. I wax once every 12 or 18 months as long as the water beads up, I don't look for extra work. Once a year is just fine. Most of the good waxes will easily last a year or longer. I happen to use Wet Paint as my car wax. It lasts much longer than a year and is very easy to apply. This suits me just fine.


Aug 30, 2000
Touchless to me means nothing touches the car but water/soap/chemicals. Why they call those big foam things touchless is beyond me.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
Touchless to me means nothing touches the car but water/soap/chemicals. Why they call those big foam things touchless is beyond me.

Yeah, a local AM/PM mini mart has one of those (no touch). It seems to work ok but like a lot of these places the drying stage leaves a lot to be desired. You really need to bring some towels or a chamois to dry the car completely.

I had a 10 year old Hyundai Sonata that I never really spent much time on in regards to the paint. No regular waxing, etc. I decided to see if I could get the paint looking decent again (was going to sell it) and worked on it using Meguiar's products. They really did a fantastic job, much better than I expected/hoped for. Unfortunately I did not take any before and after pictures.

Aug 11, 2008
Yeah, a local AM/PM mini mart has one of those (no touch). It seems to work ok but like a lot of these places the drying stage leaves a lot to be desired. You really need to bring some towels or a chamois to dry the car completely.

I had a 10 year old Hyundai Sonata that I never really spent much time on in regards to the paint. No regular waxing, etc. I decided to see if I could get the paint looking decent again (was going to sell it) and worked on it using Meguiar's products. They really did a fantastic job, much better than I expected/hoped for. Unfortunately I did not take any before and after pictures.

I have a 12 year old Civic, that has been washed only rarely, and never really been waxed. The paint surprisingly still looks quite decent. There is also very little rust, although this year is the first time I can see some small spots if I look closely.