But what is more typical of a sucker born every minute than all the worlds religions demand that we accept their dogma on only blind faith? And to cap the historical stupidity, has been the grand historical human traditions of burning heretics at the stake to enforce zero tolerance deviations from religious dogma.
I suggest a broader perspective. One can be an atheist and not only enforce dogma by stakes, but by tanks and starvation. You'll have a bit of trouble finding Stalin and Mao reciting catechism.
People are social creatures. In the quest for social dominance some will go to extremes. Being the ultimate predator, we prey upon ourselves. Religion, political ideologies, tribal culture and a whole host of others can be used as tools to establish a higher social status. The simplistic and false assumption that eliminating religion or any "ism" will make war go away is ridiculous. We'll just make up another reason.
Part of being human means that for all our pretense of civilization given the right reason you'll kill when it's not absolutely necessary. You may deny it, but you and I and everyone else are mere thousands of years form a time when we developed a sense of territory which we defend against anything or anyone.
We are practiced executioners. We fight against it. We establish societal standards and use nice words. We imagine humans close to evolving to a ST:TNG being, Homo Superior if you will. Flowers and perfume for the Beast.