Last night i was changing my I/O voltage on my ABit KT7a board from 3.4 to 3.3 because i had some problems with my GeForce with fastwrites enabled and from the KT7A Faq it seemed that lowering the I/O voltage could help stabilize the GeForce.
It didn't make any difference except that i got some serious I/O errors from the floppy drive and i was not able to boot from it. Until i set the I/O voltage back to 3.4
So check if your still able to boot from floppy after you've dropped the voltage.
It didn't make any difference except that i got some serious I/O errors from the floppy drive and i was not able to boot from it. Until i set the I/O voltage back to 3.4
So check if your still able to boot from floppy after you've dropped the voltage.