WARNING: Day of Defeat 1.6 Health Hazards


Senior member
Jan 26, 2003
I have just discovered that the new release of Day of Defeat on Steam can be hazardous to ones health. I woke up in a killing mood this morning, and not having work, I grabbed a bowl of my favorite Cap'n Crunch Berries and proceded to find a DOD server. I found one, and chose the Nazi Rifleman as my character. I began to play, and as the gameplay got more intense, I became more immersed into the play... jumping out of my chair to dodge grenades, ducking as if it would make me hide behind things, screaming profanity at the allied scum. I rounded a corner in a hurry and caught an allied sniper round in the gut. I screamed, and dragged my mortally wounded body to the bathroom as not to make a mess for the landlord. As I said my prayers, I realized that there was no exit wound, or an entrance. It was my stomach that was hurting. So I hopped on the toilet and did my business, and looked down and my s#!t was khacki!!!!!! If DOD is this intense, I want nothing to do with HL2.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
One night i was fighting the battle of wake island, my friends were there and i knew i had to protect them, i got my BAR and mowed down droves of the japanese invaders. Right about that time i got shot and respawned in the jungles of Guadal Canal. i left my fort emcampment and got shelled into a ammo bunker where i fought the hords as long as i could when the commander pulled the troops back and left us to die at the hands of the japanese. Suddenly, i was not in my uniform and i was in a bed somewhere, it wasnt a hospital but some civilian house. i was in pijamas and i could not figure out how i got there. then as i rushed downstairs the people there said it was 2003. I am now traped in the body of this civilian and posting here


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
One night i was fighting the battle of wake island, my friends were there and i knew i had to protect them, i got my BAR and mowed down droves of the japanese invaders. Right about that time i got shot and respawned in the jungles of Guadal Canal. i left my fort emcampment and got shelled into a ammo bunker where i fought the hords as long as i could when the commander pulled the troops back and left us to die at the hands of the japanese. Suddenly, i was not in my uniform and i was in a bed somewhere, it wasnt a hospital but some civilian house. i was in pijamas and i could not figure out how i got there. then as i rushed downstairs the people there said it was 2003. I am now traped in the body of this civilian and posting here
