War crimes case planned against U.S.

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Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

ONE will suffice....

You honestly expect to be taken seriously? Do you honestly believe that the US is the only country throughout history who has ever dropped bombs on another country and inflicted civilian casualties?

You need to put down the bottle, seriously.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
What, did I fall off the turnip truck today or something? :evil:

Is that what has happened to you?

Flavio ol'e chump, you're getting way too far ahead of the game here. The above quote is as relevent as me saying: If you have been found guilty of molesting your brother, would you expect it to be overlooked?

NO. See how easy that is to answer?

Your statements I quoted in my prior post, as with the one quoted above lead the reader to certain conclusions, the main one being that any war crimes trial would even eventually take place, and that we would be found guilty.

They lead you to conclusions that I didn't make. Mainly so that you can argue against things I didn't even say. I'm not sure why sticking to things I actually did say is so difficult.

Deny it all you want, but your tone rings of grave concern regarding this issue, you're just not concerned about "possible" accused........you're gonna root for the prosecution, and possibly protest if a trial never materializes!

Ok, you keep telling yourself this "grave concern" thing and I'll just keep discussing articles people post. I'm not sure what making up things that I will do in the future does for you, as it's not really helping your case.



Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Originally posted by: jjones
Originally posted by: SnapIT
I get it, the US can do nothing wrong, it's ok for the US to commit war crimes as much as they please..... as an aggressive occupying force, it is their right, anyone want to be on the recieving end of a 5,56?
No serious person would ever state that the US is exempt from responsibility should war crimes occur. What I see in this thread is people questioning the validity of accusing the US of having committed war crimes for the use of the weapons in question. And if said use should be considered a war crime, how many others will be in court along side the US for using weapons that cannot discriminate between civilian and foe?

Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

ONE will suffice....

I think Iraq shelled Iran pretty good.
Syria has shelled its own population.
UK and Falklands
Russians and chechnia

Do I need to continue, or would it be easier for me to ship you a world history book.

Oh, the irony... you do realize that the US helped Irak during that period...

Regarding Syria, you are right, regerding the US and the Falklands, you have to look into that a bit more, russia and tjetjenien (pardon my spelling, it's Swedish) It had more to do with actual threats than a war, the rebels were fought, but very few actuall percieve it as a full scale war...


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
NO. See how easy that is to answer?

Really, ya think? Of course the answer is easy, that's not the point. Just as the rest of your post missed the point.

Tell ya what, you get back to me when (if) the trial starts. :Q


Oct 9, 1999
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

Italy has the 'honor' of being the first.

"During the next few years, Italy?s military use of aviation increased. At the start of the Turko-Italian War in 1911, Italy mobilized its Italian Aviation Battalion and aircraft under the command of Captain Carlo Piazza, a well-known racing pilot, and sent them by steamship to Tripoli in Libya, then part of the Ottoman Empire. It sent two Blériot XIs, three Nieuport monoplanes, two Farman biplanes, and two Etrich Taube monoplanes. On October 23, 1911, Piazza made history?s first reconnaissance flight near Benghazi in a Blériot XI. On November 1, Second Lieutenant Giolio Gavotti carried out the first aerial bombardment mission, dropping four bombs on two Turkish-held oases. In March 1912, Captain Piazza made the first photo-reconnaissance flight in history."

BTW, SnapIT, would you care to name the nation that sold weapons to both the Axis and the Allies in WWII for great profit while pubicly proclaiming their "neutrality"?


Junior Member
Aug 20, 2002
Originally posted by: flavio
Originally posted by: Corn
...oh I seee, I'll add calling me "concerned". Where did you get that?

I said no such thing, I merely speculated that you "seemed" concerned given the serious manner in which you addressed the ludicrous topic of this discussion.

So discussing the posted article translates into "concern"?

Here are but a few examples:

The US was on shaky ground using these types of weapons and should have known this well beforehand.

Looks like they might have a case.

So you would expect them to overlook any war crimes?

whatever crimes are determined to have been committed.

I'm wondering why, in the absense of any trial yet to date, those last two quotes from you, you apparently have already come to some sort of conclusion, or implication of guilt..........

Here, I'll simplify things for you on those last two quotes. The idea goes like this: If war crimes are determined to have been committed, would you expect them to be overlooked?

I do not imply guilt or any conclusion, that would be for the trial to decide.

The prosecutors will have to prove 100% there was malicious intent to harm by US military/soldiers. Negligence is a different subject altogether. The fact is, the intent 0.00001% probable compared to previous aggressors who's intent WAS very clear from the beginning. You don't see them getting dragged intro trial for their heinous acts like Japan's invasion into China.



Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Corn
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

ONE will suffice....

You honestly expect to be taken seriously? Do you honestly believe that the US is the only country throughout history who has ever dropped bombs on another country and inflicted civilian casualties?

You need to put down the bottle, seriously.

Actually, i don't think you have ever made a correct statement, so...

And i am still waiting for your examples, you know the ones you could not provide... thnx...

Seriously Corn, i haven't seen ONE valid argument from you, sure, you have repeated what others have said a few times, and that could offer some validity, but you haven't had ONE argument of your own that has held water...

So provide ONE original argument, just to prove that you got at least one... ehhhh... can't? oh i knew that...


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Originally posted by: jjones
Originally posted by: SnapIT
I get it, the US can do nothing wrong, it's ok for the US to commit war crimes as much as they please..... as an aggressive occupying force, it is their right, anyone want to be on the recieving end of a 5,56?
No serious person would ever state that the US is exempt from responsibility should war crimes occur. What I see in this thread is people questioning the validity of accusing the US of having committed war crimes for the use of the weapons in question. And if said use should be considered a war crime, how many others will be in court along side the US for using weapons that cannot discriminate between civilian and foe?

Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

ONE will suffice....

I think Iraq shelled Iran pretty good.
Syria has shelled its own population.
UK and Falklands
Russians and chechnia

Do I need to continue, or would it be easier for me to ship you a world history book.

Oh, the irony... you do realize that the US helped Irak during that period...

Regarding Syria, you are right, regerding the US and the Falklands, you have to look into that a bit more, russia and tjetjenien (pardon my spelling, it's Swedish) It had more to do with actual threats than a war, the rebels were fought, but very few actuall percieve it as a full scale war...

So now that you had you arse handed to you by multiple folks want to say bombing only in a full scale war?

Ok, was the Russian invasion of Afganistan a full scale war?
The French and Brits in gulf war one? Is that full scale enough?
I believe the fins even dropped some bombs on the Taliban? Is that not full scale enough?

Where should I ship that world history book to or do you want some more examples.



Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Originally posted by: Corn
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

ONE will suffice....

You honestly expect to be taken seriously? Do you honestly believe that the US is the only country throughout history who has ever dropped bombs on another country and inflicted civilian casualties?

You need to put down the bottle, seriously.

Actually, i don't think you have ever made a correct statement, so...

And i am still waiting for your examples, you know the ones you could not provide... thnx...

Seriously Corn, i haven't seen ONE valid argument from you, sure, you have repeated what others have said a few times, and that could offer some validity, but you haven't had ONE argument of your own that has held water...

So provide ONE original argument, just to prove that you got at least one... ehhhh... can't? oh i knew that...

Ok folks it is time to stop feeding the trolls.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: etech
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

Italy has the 'honor' of being the first.

"During the next few years, Italy?s military use of aviation increased. At the start of the Turko-Italian War in 1911, Italy mobilized its Italian Aviation Battalion and aircraft under the command of Captain Carlo Piazza, a well-known racing pilot, and sent them by steamship to Tripoli in Libya, then part of the Ottoman Empire. It sent two Blériot XIs, three Nieuport monoplanes, two Farman biplanes, and two Etrich Taube monoplanes. On October 23, 1911, Piazza made history?s first reconnaissance flight near Benghazi in a Blériot XI. On November 1, Second Lieutenant Giolio Gavotti carried out the first aerial bombardment mission, dropping four bombs on two Turkish-held oases. In March 1912, Captain Piazza made the first photo-reconnaissance flight in history."

BTW, SnapIT, would you care to name the nation that sold weapons to both the Axis and the Allies in WWII for great profit while pubicly proclaiming their "neutrality"?

In 1911? LMAO... that's even worse than bringing up the first or second world war...

Sweden have sold weapons to just about any nation, even though our laws state that we shall not sell weapons to countries who are in war we have done so...

I am no big fan of the current Swedish government, but i am an individual, and what i will speak my mind regardless of the current policy of my country or your country...

I am an individual, and not oppressed in any way, i am free to speak my mind, in my country as well as yours, and i will continue to do so... so there... ;)


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Originally posted by: Corn
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

ONE will suffice....

You honestly expect to be taken seriously? Do you honestly believe that the US is the only country throughout history who has ever dropped bombs on another country and inflicted civilian casualties?

You need to put down the bottle, seriously.

Actually, i don't think you have ever made a correct statement, so...

And i am still waiting for your examples, you know the ones you could not provide... thnx...

Seriously Corn, i haven't seen ONE valid argument from you, sure, you have repeated what others have said a few times, and that could offer some validity, but you haven't had ONE argument of your own that has held water...

So provide ONE original argument, just to prove that you got at least one... ehhhh... can't? oh i knew that...

Ok folks it is time to stop feeding the trolls.

Obviously it is, as you are still permitted to post...



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Actually, i don't think you have ever made a correct statement, so...

And i am still waiting for your examples, you know the ones you could not provide... thnx...

Seriously Corn, i haven't seen ONE valid argument from you, sure, you have repeated what others have said a few times, and that could offer some validity, but you haven't had ONE argument of your own that has held water...

So provide ONE original argument, just to prove that you got at least one... ehhhh... can't? oh i knew that...

LOL, in the eyes of a drunkard I have never made a correct statement, so.......I suppose I'll get over it!

A history of bombings, as told by a Swede who isn't drunk.

It offends my sensibilities that I even had to waste 30 seconds on a google search to refute such an asinine argument.....


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
SnapIT, I'm trying to reconcile your no-war position with your general approach to this thread. :Q Eh?


Oct 9, 1999
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US...

I named a country. To show a little history of just how long this has been happening I picked the very first. I have no idea what you thought you were attempting to say with that question but to imply that the US is the only country to have dropped bombs on any other nation is so completely ridicuilous that your motives must be questioned.

Sweden have sold weapons to just about any nation, even though our laws state that we shall not sell weapons to countries who are in war we have done so...

Bofors 40mm being the best example. Let he without sin cast the first stone.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: etech
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US...

I named a country. To show a little history of just how long this has been happening I picked the very first. I have no idea what you thought you were attempting to say with that question but to imply that the US is the only country to have dropped bombs on any other nation is so completely ridicuilous that your motives must be questioned.

Sweden have sold weapons to just about any nation, even though our laws state that we shall not sell weapons to countries who are in war we have done so...

Bofors 40mm being the best example. Let he without sin cast the first stone.

So you are trying to hold me responsible for the sales that i have objected to?

I have already stated that i do not agree with the actions of the current Swedish government, what the FVCK do you want me to do, i vote against them, should i start a revolution?


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...
ONE will suffice....

Britain dropped more cluster bombs on Yugoslavia than we did. Whackos posted stories about indicting Clinton and Blair for war crimes then...just like now.

As far as "other countries":

New York Times
September 28, 1999
Russia Bombs Rebel Chechnya, Refugees Flee

MOSCOW - Russian warplanes bombed the breakaway region of Chechnya for the sixth consecutive day Tuesday, prompting thousands of civilians to pack their bags and flee to neighboring North Caucasus provinces.
Monday, seven people in a northeastern district, two of them infants, died when bombs fell on a courtyard. Reuters Television showed the
bodies, some badly burned and with limbs missing, placed on a piece of board.



Oct 9, 1999

I have already stated that i do not agree with the actions of the current Swedish government, what the FVCK do you want me to do, i vote against them, should i start a revolution?

Perhaps if you spent more time being concerned about the actions of your government than the USs you could actually accomplish something with yours.

Try working on reducing the illegitimacy rate for example.


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: steell
Pardon me if I don't take this seriously :(


But this is really ridiculous:

Mr. Shiner said the activists' case will probe the coalition's use, or suspected use, of cluster bombs, depleted uranium ammunition and fuel-air explosives.
These weapons are unauthorized, he claimed, because they "can't distinguish between civilian or military" targets.

Weapons that exhibit independent judgement? Wow! Talk about artificial intelligence! I was not aware that such was even possible at this time.

You do have to consider the source though :D

In soviet Russia frivolous lawsuits sue you...

They need to lay down the crack pipe and examine Chechnya, Tibet, Iraq and Turkey's treatment of the Kurds...or maybe the slow and meaningless death of the members of the soviet sub the Kursk when the US could have saved lives, Russia would rather their families lose members than allow us into their antique nuclear sub.

Bottom line is, that the Republican guard and Saddam's death squads killed far more Iraqi civilians than we did even without our smart missiles that do spur of the moment DNA testing, Interpol checks, and databse queries to check and make sure that the enemy is bad before killing them....


Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: SnapIT
Originally posted by: jjones
Originally posted by: SnapIT
I get it, the US can do nothing wrong, it's ok for the US to commit war crimes as much as they please..... as an aggressive occupying force, it is their right, anyone want to be on the recieving end of a 5,56?
No serious person would ever state that the US is exempt from responsibility should war crimes occur. What I see in this thread is people questioning the validity of accusing the US of having committed war crimes for the use of the weapons in question. And if said use should be considered a war crime, how many others will be in court along side the US for using weapons that cannot discriminate between civilian and foe?

Indeed, name ONE nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation except the US... Name ONE country which have had "collateral damage" except the US...

ONE will suffice....

Russia/U.S.S.R, one instance from each.

Russia in Chechnya

U.S.S.R.: One word: Afganistan. Go ahead, lets hear you duck that conflict as somehow being non-applicable to your statement.

Your challenge was to find "one nation that has actually dropped bombs on any nation". Not "any other nation". Thus, russia unloading on Grozny... want to bet there were civilian casualties?

And, before you challenge these the examples in my post as "outdated" (even though no time limit was set), there is one country you cant duck. The UK has been droppig bombs in this conflict, too. Just as recent, same basic munitions and doctrine...


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: mechBgon
SnapIT, I'm trying to reconcile your no-war position with your general approach to this thread. :Q Eh?

Wow and I thought Morph was bad - yikes! :Q

BTW- war crimes against the US is just another attemt by the left to criminalize Bush. I wish these elitist leftwing nuts would just mind their own business for once...since they are soooo much better than us of "feeble mind" why even waste their effort




Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: mechBgon
SnapIT, I'm trying to reconcile your no-war position with your general approach to this thread. :Q Eh?

hahaha... I can just see him diving across a fast food counter, yelling "I'll rip your arms off, burger-punk!"


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2001
Originally posted by: mechBgon
SnapIT, I'm trying to reconcile your no-war position with your general approach to this thread. :Q Eh?

That was hilarious! Left me ROTFLMAO :D

Credibility = Toast


Senior member
Dec 10, 2000
How much jail time are we talking about here?
maybe we could strike a deal, next time there's a war the plaintiff could stand next to the target to make sure the bombs used are the one :)