Want to start playing WoW, how to get started?

Lloyd Braun

Aug 26, 2005
now that I have a nice, fast computer to play games on I want to see what the big fuss is about with WoW. I do like RPGs alot just never got into the online ones, but this one seems interesting and I plan to give it a shot. what do I need to know to get started? I dont have any friends who play so will I have to join a group of strangers each time I want to play? (would like to know if theres an option to play/level by myself to get to know things first) any other beginner info would be awesome, an online guide would be nice too. :) thanks.


Aug 24, 2004
My adivce: DO NOT GET YOURSELF INTO MMORPG'S!!! They will take over your life! Your social life will be gone, and it will even fsck with your academic life. MMORPG's are wayyyy too addicitve, and require WAY too much of a time devotion.

This is just my advice; take it from someone who experienced this firsthand. Now I quit MMORPG's, and will never go back.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: Xyclone
My adivce: DO NOT GET YOURSELF INTO MMORPG'S!!! They will take over your life! Your social life will be gone, and it will even fsck with your academic life. MMORPG's are wayyyy too addicitve, and require WAY too much of a time devotion.

This is just my advice; take it from someone who experienced this firsthand. Now I quit MMORPG's, and will never go back.

Bash MMOs here

God forbid a company makes a fun game.

I play Everquest a total of an hour each day, has not destroyed my life.

I quote Gurck aka ArtVandaly:
Originally posted by: ArtVandalay
MMORPGs require decision-making skills and social interaction, unlike America's great pasttime, the boob-tube. They're not a problem, people who lack discipline are. Their addictions range from TV to food to drugs to MMORPGs. It's not a fault of the aforementioned things, but of the aforementioned people.

But i wont say anymore, every MMORPG thread turns into a flamefest between those who defend them and those who put them down. So haters need to go to the thread i linked.


Mar 30, 2001
The first 20 or so levels of XP in the game are quite soloable. Its only past that that you start needing to group with people to get questing done. Even then many are soloable with no problem.
There is a guild on the Bronzebeard server made up of alot of people from AT. Myself being one of them.
I invite you to join us. We would be happy to have you aboard.

Lloyd Braun

Aug 26, 2005
Posters with Seinfeld character names are all wise. :p Im not scared of getting too addicted on WoW if its the kind of game I think it is.

Originally posted by: CrackRabbit
The first 20 or so levels of XP in the game are quite soloable. Its only past that that you start needing to group with people to get questing done. Even then many are soloable with no problem.
There is a guild on the Bronzebeard server made up of alot of people from AT. Myself being one of them.
I invite you to join us. We would be happy to have you aboard.

thanks bro, ill look into that once I get the hang of it.