Want to Defragment Your Computer !!!!


Jul 13, 2007
here is the suggestion

Start Windows in Safe Mode. This is not mandatory, but it helps to avoid complications from other programs that are running in the background. This also speeds up and streamlines the process.

Uninstall any programs you do not use or need. It is best to uninstall programs prior to a defragmentation, as the newly-acquired free space will generally be located all over the hard drive, thereby giving rise to fragmentation.

Make sure that all unnecessary programs are closed. If you have already started in Safe Mode, then this has already been done.

Cancel any programs that are scheduled to run. If you have not manually scheduled any programs to run, then skip this step.

Delete any temporary files. This is done by running Disk Cleanup. To run the program, go to: START -> Run, and enter cleanmgr in the window.

Run the Disk Defragmenter Program. Go to START -> Run, and enter dfrg.msc in the window. A window that is similar to the one below should appear:
Make sure that your desired drive is selected [C: being the default drive], and click on the Defragment button.

Sit back and relax as your computer organizes your fragmented files.

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Anandtech Senior Moderator