W2k Server vs. W2k Professional, "real life" differences?

Barnaby W. Füi

Elite Member
Aug 14, 2001
I won't use anything in Server that is not in Pro, but I do like the bitmaps it uses for things like the startup image, and the logon screen, and other things. They are all shades of blue and stuff instead of the rainbow BS. I have equal access to both so that is not a prob, and I will be turning off the same services in both plus any extra ones Server has, so with that in mind would Server be any slower for me?


Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
In theory you could turn Server into a Workstation version, but it would take a lot of work IMO, just for a few bitmaps that you'll only see when you start up. The only time I ever see the bitmaps for W2K is when I change the hardware, SP, etc. Personally I think it's a waste of time, but to each his own, yes it's possible.

Instead of doing that, if you're going for the "glam" approach, why not take a look here.

Barnaby W. Füi

Elite Member
Aug 14, 2001
already did that :p

i got the AYBABTU startup thing, its pretty funny.

turns out that pro started downloading alot faster than server and i'm just gonna use pro, plus i dont think a pro cdkey would work on server, and finding a server cdkey is not easy.


Senior member
May 1, 2001
if you install win2k without the IIS. You basically got yourself Pro. I say don't wase the time to do server if you already got pro. If bitmaps are the main thing you are worried about...serious waste of time.

Barnaby W. Füi

Elite Member
Aug 14, 2001

<< If bitmaps are the main thing you are worried about...serious waste of time. >>

i know, i was jsut all hyped up about it at the moment (dont ask me why)

you can change them all w/ resource hacker anyways, and i HAVE 2k which is the important thing.....


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2001
The main differences (other than Active Directory, which you wouldn't use unless the machine was going to be a domain controller, so it doesn't apply here) would be that you can install terminal services on Win2K server and access it via the client with a full-fledged GUI (it's actually pretty cool).
Other than that, Server supports more robust hardware
Pro = 2GB memory maximum
2 processors maximum

Server = 4GB memory maximum
4 processors maximum