VPU Recover crashes my game constantly - HELP!


Senior member
Jul 22, 2002
wow I'm so regretting that I went with an ATI card instead of nVidia....

my nvidia GF3 served me so well for 3-4 years.. then I upgraded to ati 9800 pro - and I'm getting extremely annoyed with it.

the biggest problem is the "VPU recover" thingy - I don't what it is or what it does - I do know, that after I have been playing Quake 3 for a while, it suddenly halts, repeating the same sound sample over and over - after about 10 seconds I can press ctrl+alt+del, which tabs over to windows, and I can see that "VPU recover" has stopped my video card! then I press OK or whatever, and I can return to playing Q3. It always happens just once, I've never had it happen more times.

This time it didn't just make me miss a minute of my game though, this time VPU recover crashed it completely, and then crashed my pc right after.

HOW do I disable it? I hate it so much. My cpu isn't overclocked, my video card isn't overclocked - I have taken off the sides of my computer case, so airflow is not a problem either.

Help :-(


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Well, first off, that's not normal. I'd wipe your drivers (you might want to run Driver Cleaner if you went NVIDIA->ATI and didn't properly remove NVIDIA's chokehold on your system), and update to the latest Catalyst version (4.10), and see if that clears things up. If it's still flaking out, you might have a bad card, and should RMA it for a replacement.

You can also disable VPU recover in the ATI control panels somewhere (under Control Panels/Display/Settings/"Advanced..."). I'm not sure it will really help, though, since it normally only kicks in if the card malfunctions in some way.