- Apr 23, 2000
- 21,476
- 13
- 81
Release Notes.
Updated fine on my Win10 Pro x64.
Changelog from 1.14 to 1.15
New features
- [New] Possibility of having an image as window background(VB-36937)
- [New] “Bookmarks” in the main menu(VB-7980)
- [New] Access individual panels and toolbars in full screen mode via keyboard shortcuts or quick commands(VB-37039)
- [Linux] Pinned icon (GNOME favourites) does not start Vivaldi(VB-36741)
- [Linux] Save password dialog does not show up(VB-38805)
- [Mac] Default shortcuts for next/previous tab changed to “⌥+⌘+[Arrow]” — used to be “⇧+⌘+[Arrow]” (VB-18300)
- [Mac] Shortcut for emoji not working on Mac OS X in the UI (VB-18960)
- [Windows] Session lost when restarting Vivaldi before the existing process has fully exited: added “Vivaldi is exiting” dialog (VB-28359)
- [Media] Broken sound from online radio and mp3 files (VB-30381))
- [Media] Slow AAC audio (VB-36469)
- [Bookmarks] Add Bookmark dialog cut off in popup windows (VB-38858)
- [Bookmarks] Add option to Delete separator from the context menu (VB-38602)
- [Bookmarks] Add possibility to add Separator from blank space (VB-38604)
- [Bookmarks] Bookmark indicator does not always update (VB-37274)
- [Bookmarks] Cannot create a new bookmark from the context menu (VB-38781)
- [Bookmarks] Description may disappear when refreshing thumbnail (VB-37621)
- [Bookmarks] Folder menu cover the bookmarks bar item when the bar is on the bottom (VB-10288)
- [Bookmarks] It takes a long time to open V-menu with a big set of bookmarks (VB-38162)
- [Bookmarks] Main folders from Speed dials are not highlighted (VB-38574)
- [Downloads] Download panel uses incorrect date format (VB-28395)
- [Downloads] Focus lost when deleting download item (VB-35705)
Quick Commands
- [Notes] Add Markdown code highlighting and style improvements (VB-21043)
- [Notes] Creating an invalid Markdown Task List causes the notes panel to break (VB-37137)
- [Notes] Support display of To-do in notes Markdown: without saved state (VB-36974)
- [Notes] Wrong focus styling on buttons and avoid jumping text (VB-38922)
Search Engines
- [Quick Commands] Certain keys do not work on Quick command with US layout keyboard (VB-37119)
- [Quick Commands] Make Alt + up / down jump to next / previous section (VB-37005)
- [Quick Commands] Make tab cycle through quick commands (VB-38505)
- [Quick Commands] Rounded corners on Quick Commands (VB-38719)
- [Quick commands] Always open pages in new tab (VB-28863)
- [Search Engines] Prevent removal of default search engine (VB-38379)
- [Search Engines] Restore buttons overflow (VB-33519)
- [Search Engines] Search engine list scroll on keyboard navigation (VB-36813)
- [Search Engines] Unchecking private search engine does nothing (VB-37671)
Speed Dials
- [Settings] Keep UI zoom control in view (VB-32501)
- [Settings] Mouse Gestures don’t paint after settings search (VB-38396)
- [Settings] Use both columns in Search Settings (VB-38239)
- [Settings] Various issues with closing of a settings window (VB-29091)
- [Settings] https:// in the welcome page can’t be removed (VB-37146)
- [Speed Dials] Ghost processes after SD reload (VB-38677)
- [Speed Dials] Pending thumbnail updates displayed incorrectly in status bar (VB-38918)
- [Speed Dials] Tiled SD links open in wrong tile (VB-38891)
- [Speed Dials] Update causes timeout (VB-38725)
Address bar
- [Themes] Improved transparent tabs with background image (VB-37818)
- [Themes] Minimum light contrast (VB-26062)
- [Themes] Set scheduled theme on window open (VB-36292)
- [Themes] When schedule is changed, set theme to schedule (VB-36392)
- [Themes] With rounded corners cut part of characters typed in the search field (VB-38752)
Other fixes
- [Address bar] Context menu covers the address bar item when the bar on the bottom (VB-38866)
- [Address bar] Make tab cycle through address bar results (VB-38616)
- [Address bar] Update Refresh and Home icons (VB-38767)
- Capture setting in Status Bar menu should persist after browser restart (VB-37626)
- Crash dialog isn’t localized (VB-4572)
- Google Chat is not supported in Vivaldi (VB-39030)
- Handle before unloading events on tab close in the UI (VB-3984)
- Handle duplicate keyboard shortcuts more gracefully (VB-5535)
- Keyboard selection of saved sessions is impossible (VB-35341)
- Lower default mouse gesture sensitivity (VB-33980)
- Mark active page in cycler (VB-11010)
- New window sizing is incorrect (VB-33735)
- No UI with some –user-agent command line switches (VB-29162)
- Pinned tabs are lost on multi-windows/monitors scenarios (VB-18997)
- Popup windows with long titles overlap window controls (VB-35897)
- Rapid clicks to close tabs resize window (VB-30351)
- Should use page title when creating desktop shortcut via drag to desktop (VB-18811)
- Show tab stacks in window menu (VB-38093)
- Tab count is wrong in the Window Panel (VB-38441)
- Text for search results on Keyboard Cheat Sheet is misaligned (VB-37872)
- Visual tab switcher cycling improvement (VB-38565)
- History: Date range in header of List view not updated to current range (VB-27125)
- F8 should show the address field when in chrome less or fullscreen modes (VB-34820)
- Upgraded translations (and added Slovenian)
- Selected (applicable) security Chromium patches from v66
- Upgraded Chromium to 65.0.3325.183
Updated fine on my Win10 Pro x64.