visual basic: Anyone up for writing a small Class file?


Aug 15, 2000
Anyone up for writing a small Class file? Im not an avid Vb coder, but i need to make a gui frontend for a dll im making in C++, i figure vb would be faster, i can do most, but i dont know that much about classes, so Anyone up for writing a small Class file?

What i need the class file to do is accept values for certain variables, and have them fill in a function and send it. like take this function and do it so that in the class i can set each variable then i can go like myclass.sendfunction and it will fill the function.?

Public Declare Function SetLHV1 Lib "C Documents and Settings\Darshan Bavaria\Desktop\LAME\Mydll\Debug\EncDll.dll" (ByVal dwSampleRate As Long, ByVal dwReSampleRate As Long, ByVal dwMpegVersion As Long, ByVal dwBitrate As Long, ByVal dwMaxBitrate As Long, ByVal nMode As Long, ByVal nPreset As Long, ByVal EnableABR As Boolean, ByVal dwVbrAbr_bps As Long, ByVal bEnableVBR As Boolean, ByVal nVBRQuality As Long, ByVal bWriteVBRHeader As Boolean, ByVal bCRC As Boolean, ByVal bNoRes As Boolean, ByVal bPrivate As Boolean, ByVal bCopyright As Boolean, ByVal bOriginal As Boolean) As Long

can someone help me out?