Vista MCE will not detect Vista remote...


Mar 4, 2006
I bought a Vista remote, figuring it would solve my issues. But god damn fucking Vista MCE STILL wont detect the IR stuff. I plugged the receiver into the USB port, Vista detected it and installed it, but when I get to the IR setup part of the media center TV thing, it says IR hardware not detected. Even if I'm using the fucking remote to click through the menus.

What's the deal with this piece of crap? I'm getting really frustrated now.


Mar 4, 2006
It appears that I need a "proper" IR Blaster. Anyone know where I can get one? I've found a few at Best Buy, but I'm not sure if they'll work or not.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: DasSmoof
I bought a Vista remote, figuring it would solve my issues. But god damn fucking Vista MCE STILL wont detect the IR stuff. I plugged the receiver into the USB port, Vista detected it and installed it, but when I get to the IR setup part of the media center TV thing, it says IR hardware not detected. Even if I'm using the fucking remote to click through the menus.

What's the deal with this piece of crap? I'm getting really frustrated now.

By "IR" do you mean the attachment that plugs into the MCE USB reciever that lets the reciever control other devices, like your cable box? If so, that small, thin cable with one end that plugs into the USB reciever should have come with your MCE remote control unit. Didn't it? It's called an IR emitter by some, and is detailed in the link XMan posted.

Take it easy on the language, eh? I remember helping you with this when you were first looking for a tv tuner, and we discussed that you'd need exactly this - several days or weeks ago.