Viewsonic VX922


Jan 23, 2006
Hello Everyone,
I've never owned an LCD monitor before, i was always afraid of the bad quality and the ghosting so I stuck with my old samtron of 6 years but unfortunatly during a moving accident last week it was dropped down 4 flights of concrete stairs. I decided it was time for an upgrade so i purchased the VX922 (Which i couldnt really afford) and so far i am extremely dissappointed, I don't know if i set something up incorrectly but the video quality for dvds and divx movies is just horrendous, I'm actually thinking of buying another CRT and just giving this thing to my friend.. thats how bad it is, honestly looks like 128k net broadcast.

Anyone have any suggestions?
PS It's not a codec error.

Thanks in advance.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
i have a vx924 and im happy with it.
dont expect the quality to be as good as crt, it will never be. LCD is LCD, you get some (space) you loose some (quality).