Video Problem with: Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe


Aug 6, 2006
Alright bought this used, /w an AMD processor and Zalman heatsink. And it has proven to be a hellish nightmare so far.

I recieved the motherboard in a PS2 box, securely wraped in static bag and protected from the brutal elements of USPS. Opened it up, and everything was fine. No visible problems. Took it to a neighbors and began to develop a headache...

Okay...No onboard video proves to be a pain in the ass. I tried to use an PCI graphics card first so i can get Video... that didn't work. Motherboard turned on, no Beeps or anything, just got NO video out of it.

Went and bought a PCI-E graphics card (just to test this board) to see if that was the problem. It wasn't. With every possible configuration it would not boot any Video to the screen. So im beginning to think something is messed up with the motherboard.

I have no clue what the problem could be. Im damn sure, its either a bad board, or im just doing something wrong.

So I come to the aid of you all. I need help :( Any help is appreciated, i would hate to send this Mobo back to the guy, or have to fight with him just to get any money back.

thanks in advance
Z06 - 505 hp



Aug 6, 2006
Sunbeam Nuuo 550 watt PSU... SLI ready and everything. I believe that should be adequate.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2005
I"m having a similar will post and give video for like 2 mins..and then lock up and upon reboot no video until i clear the cmos.

a8n32-sli deluxe
3800+ x2
650watt antec ps
nvidia 7600gt
1 sata 37gb raptor - 1 dvd drive

all other devices and cards have been pulled from the system and/or disconnected.

anyone got any idea what is happening?