Video Overlay is messed up! Please Help!


Senior member
Jun 20, 2001
This is what happens: When I use PowerDVD to play DVD's, the image is jaggy in windowed mode, and in full-screen mode the frame-rate drops while the jagginess continues. Intervideo WinDVD will not even start up, it just tells me that it failed to initialize overlay controls and that I have to lower screen resolution or colour depth to fix the problem which is ridiculous since DVD playback worked just fine until recently. Playback of other video formats is also jerky... Oh, and in dxdiag, the Direct3D test fails.

I tried removing completely and reinstalling the detonator drivers, also did a reinstall of DirectX, to no effect.

I have an AMD TB900/abit KT7-RAID/Hercules nVidia GeForce2 based card/256 MB RAM/16x Pioneer DVD/Win2k.

I recently installed some a LaTeX compiler, PostScript Viewer, and a Creative Webcam with all its software.

This is all I can tell you. Can someone please tell me what on earth is wrong with my system? HEEEEELLPPPP!!! :(

Thanks in advance...


Golden Member
Jan 1, 2001
I'm guessing it's the web cam that screwed you. Have you tried reinstalling power or windvd?


Senior member
Jun 20, 2001
I suspect that reinstalling the DVD player programs will not help since I experience problems with all programs that use video overlay, including Windows Media player. But I will give it a shot anyway. Now I am wishing I had done a system backup before installing that stupid webcam... Argh.

Thanks for the input, richleader!!!

Any other suggestions from the big, wise and smart video buffs out there? :(



Golden Member
Jan 1, 2001
I was just thinking it might be a codec renderer or something, where a newer version got overwritten by an old that came with the camera. Being that you've done directX and your nVidia, already, that's about it. You could also try doing an "install over" with your OS, as a last resort.